Sionnach Glic wrote:And what about the fossils that show humans to be over 200,000 years old?
Truthfully, I'm not sure, maybe their wrong, maybe I am, but as of now, I'm sticking to what I believe...
Sionnach Glic wrote:So, if I'm understanding you right, God made the Earth billions of years ago, yet didn't actualy populate it until 10,000 years ago?
Yeah... So? Why would that be a problem at all, just wondering, maybe he didn't feel like it... IDK, I'm not him...
Sionnach Glic wrote:We really didn't.
How do you know? and we may have, but I was unsure of what he meant when I said that... I have no problem believing dinosaurs were dead long before we were around...
Sionnach Glic wrote:And on what do you base that belief?
The fact that they have been wrong before on carbon dating...
I can't find the source right now, but a few years ago there was a university student that used some radiological dating method, and got a reading of like 3,000 years... And they proved that it had to be incorrect due to the rock formations that it was found in. And I know Carbon dating is rarely accurate, because of it's short radiological decay, but the one used had a rating of like 300 million years, or some insanely large number of years...
I'm sorry I can't find the article right now... I found this article however, just for laughs...
inaccurate carbon dating