m52nickerson wrote:Why are you assuming the ship was accelerating the entire time?
I explained this in the original post - the E-nil was racing to intercept V'Ger, to the extent that Kirk ordered her to warp against Scotty's advice. It doesn't make sense that she'd stop engines and just drift along.
So they have it, but do they need it at sublight speeds?
Of course - no matter how strong the engines are, reducing mass will always make them more effective, and in combat even the slightest advantage can be vital.
All irrelevent - it's the change in momentum of the smaller object that matters.
Please explain.
Imagine a truck is appraoching you at walking pace - it doesn't flatten you, you can simply stand on the front bumper and travel along with it with no ill effects. Now imagine an oil tanker is approaching you at the same speed. Likewise, you can simply grab it, stand on the prow, and be carried along with no ill effects. This illustrates that the effect of an impact is independant of the mass of the larger object.
How could you know that? Remember the Tsikovsky was pushed twords the fragment at the same time it pushed the E away.
The Tsikovsky shrank noticeably as it was pushed away, whereas the approaching solar fragment barely appeared to change size at all, indicating that the Tsikovsky was travelling much quicker.
In Nemisis when the E-E rammed the Scimitar the Scimitar did not move
Two possibilities:
1) The Scimitar is sufficiently massive that the momentum didn't add up to much movement.
2) There was lots of movement, but we didn't recognise it as our frame of reference remained on the ships - they could both have been moving at a fair clip relative to where the impact originally ocurred, but we wouldn't see it.
We also see ships rammed as you brought up and the don't show anything such as that. One of two things must be going on, Conservation of Momentum does not apply in the Trek Universe, or there is something with the ships that causes this to take less energy to destroy the hulls then to push the ships.
That we see, but I will have to look again to see how long into the battle that was.
Right at the start - the Jem'Hadar didn't fire a single shot.
Perhaps. It would depend on that ships speed and mass.
It's inherently a lower limit, as the E-D's shields didn't fail, just as "Survivors" is an upper limit because they did fail. That's not to say that they're hard and fast numbers - other examples may produce lower upper limits or higher lower limits within those boundaries.