Here are the other three species, I spent a little more time developing these species and hence have included a physiological note with each:
Planet: Dazer
Evolved From: Chordate; New Animal Type
Avg. Height: 3.5'
Avg. Weight: 95 lbs
Avg. Lifespan: 190 years
Avg. Physical Prowess: Greater than human, but less than Vulcan
Avg. Cognitive Prowess: Comparable to Humans
- Dazer is located along the A/B boarder "south" of 2300 Fed.
- First Contact was mad on April 25, 2391 after 5 years observing the development of their warp program. The Dazen petitioned for membership in the Federation and were accepted.
A note on physiology:
The dazen physiology is what gives them their supirior physical prowess to humans, not an increased planetary gravity like the Vulcans. The Dazen are significantly stronger, faster, and more agile than humans. As a species they have distinctive dark markings around their heads and faces, and each design is unieque to each Dazen.
Planet: Shinto
Evolved From: Amphibiotic (Aquatic Reptile)
Avg. Height; 7'1"
Avg. Weight: 180 lbs.
Avg. Lifespan: 180 years
Avg. Physical Prowess: Comparable to Humans
Avg. Cognitive Prowess: More Analytical than Humans, but non emotionless
- Shinto is "North West" of 2300 Federation
- Shintoan explorers made contact with the Federation on August 11, 2375, having had warp drive longer than even the Vulcans. They however focused on refining the technology than exploring with it. By the time they encountered the Federation they had ships capable of WF: 9.99851, and were hastily accepted into the Federation
A note on physiology:
The Shintoan have a rather unieque set of systems. Their enlongated bodies arose as a side affect of developing most of thier evolution underwater. Their species has only been land orientated for about 5,000 years, and land life has only been planetary for 11,000. Their musculature, skeleton, cardiovasuclar, resperatory, digestive, nervous, and every other system has been specially developed appeareantly for use both on land and under water. This has served them excelently with their ascent into space.
Planet: Cmobra
Evolved From: Reptiles-Snakes
Avg. Height: 4'2"
Avg. Weight: 180 lbs
Avg. Lifespan: 110 years
Avg. Physical Prowess: Very Strong, snakelike musculature
Avg. cognative Prowess: Comperable to Humans
- Cmobra is part of the space the Federation acquired after the end of the Dominion War from the Breen
- Inducted June 11, 2397 three years after they completed their first Warp Flight.
A note on physiology:
The Slyphans developed one of the few non-humanoid body types in the Federation. However the do have two pair of tentical like "arms" that they are able to use when on duty on Federation starships to work like fingers on normal humanoids. Usually these arms are used to deploy the shelling feature. When in danger, the slyphans are able to wrap their heads and upper part of their body, containing most of the vital organs in the hard matierial, constantly found on the back side of that area. It was found that with some genetic modification, the shelling can be made to withstand physical rounds, and provide some protection against lasers.