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Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:09 pm
by Mikey
Fine - then be an NCO. I have no problem with an NCO commanding an auxiliary vessel on my ship. However, that would mean that 10 earth years is enough for your character to have acheived at least the equivalent of the age of majority, and you have completed Starfleet standard basic as well as some further training - isn't there some version of OCS or leadership training for non-coms?
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:17 pm
by Mark
Well the Army has Basic Non Com training and Advanced Non Com training, and I'm sure that the other branches would have something similar. So its a safe bet that Starfleet has as well.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:18 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
uh...can someone put what you two are saying in layman's terms?
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:29 pm
by Mark
When one achieves the rank of Non Com (Non Commissioned Officer) you attend certain schools to LEARN how to be a leader, as well as courses on history, tactics, and so forth, becuase your becoming a leader. Same in Starfleet. Chief O'Brain is the perfect example. His (final) rank was Chief Petty Officer, which is a non-commissioned officer. That is how he was able to hold a position an officer would normally fill (I think that was Trek's justification), while never having to go to the acadamy.

Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:32 pm
by Mark
Point of clarification please. On the battleship, tac and security ARE combined, correct?
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:34 pm
by Mikey
In other words - if you don't want to be an officer, be a non-commisioned officer (NCO.) In the army, that's corporals, sergeants, etc. In the navy, that's petty officers. Don't have to complete the academy, don't have to take an office, but you are an enlisted "man" in Starfleet in a position of leadership over other enlisted men (but subordinate to an officer.) This means you would have had to have had Starfleet basic training (as any enlisted man) and a further bit of leadership training.
What it means is that it's a way to not be an officer, but still command the 'Fox. As Mark mentioned, O'Brien was a non-com but was still chief of operations for DS9. If you want to be a civilian, then fine - but I think you have an idea of how much my character would let a civilian be included in Starfleet operations.
Mark - tactical and security have always been the same department in all of 'Trek, so I don't see any reason that they wouldn't be now.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:41 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Mikey wrote:In other words - if you don't want to be an officer, be a non-commisioned officer (NCO.) In the army, that's corporals, sergeants, etc. In the navy, that's petty officers. Don't have to complete the academy, don't have to take an office, but you are an enlisted "man" in Starfleet in a position of leadership over other enlisted men (but subordinate to an officer.) This means you would have had to have had Starfleet basic training (as any enlisted man) and a further bit of leadership training.
Okay...that sounds good...I think. Does anyone have a problem with this?
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:44 pm
by Mark
That's cool with me. If that really means anything

Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:50 pm
by Mikey
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:Mikey wrote:In other words - if you don't want to be an officer, be a non-commisioned officer (NCO.) In the army, that's corporals, sergeants, etc. In the navy, that's petty officers. Don't have to complete the academy, don't have to take an office, but you are an enlisted "man" in Starfleet in a position of leadership over other enlisted men (but subordinate to an officer.) This means you would have had to have had Starfleet basic training (as any enlisted man) and a further bit of leadership training.
Okay...that sounds good...I think. Does anyone have a problem with this?
I'm glad to hear it. On your end, the 'Fox is "yours" in that it is your command, even though you will be assigned missions (and your char WILL be the equivalent of an 18 -21 year old human!) For everyon else, we now no longer have the problem of a private vessel or a civvie attempting to interfere with Starfleet operations. 'K?
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:06 am
by Teaos
Sweet everything seems sorted.
Stardust is the equivilant of a 18-19 year old human NCO who is in command of the Shaddowfox.
M'real is a senior officer on the Intrepid class vessel (Pegases I think)
And everyone is happy again...
I'll post my bio latter. Its the same one as before with Teaos staying on the Daystrom with Fletcher and moving around with him when he gets shifted.
I'm working on the Bios for the rest of the captains and fleet Commodore, they will just be basic profiles.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:08 am
by Mark
Mark wrote:Name: Ens. Danial Collins
Security Officer/Gamma shift Tactical Officer
Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 22
Birthplace: Luna City, Luna
This character is both killable and open for use
Oddly enough, the first time Dan Collins ever set foot on Earth was to attend the acadamy. He was born and raised in the domes of Luna City, where he had a sheltered childhood supervised by two overprotective parents. Joining Starfleet was the first thing that he ever did against his parents wishes, and that was the best descision he ever made. In the acadamy, he demonstrated a natural gift for manual targeting, setting a new acadamy record for the most targets hit WITHOUT the use of a phaser lock, which won him this posting on the Federations new battleship.
Name: Torak
Science Officer/Vulcan Science Acadamy
Race: Vulcan
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Age: 30
Birthplace: Vulcan
This character is open for use, BUT IS NOT KILLABLE, yet
Torak and Mark have a unpleasent history together. Torak is a racist, and makes no pretenses about what he considers Vulcan supiorority, and especially dislikes humans, who he consider inferior due to their "limited" physical strength, intellect, and not having ANY telepathic abilities (which Torak considers paramount as he is a VERY powerful telepath). Torak was a chief rival of Mark, when they were younger, and is directly responsible for at one time breaking the boys left wrist, ribs, and right arm at different times. It was Torak who forcefully mind melded to Mark, making an honest effort to break Marks mind and drive him insane, which is what resulted in Marks telepathic damage and scaring. Torak is a genius, even according to Vulcan standards, and is a gifted scientist. He saw the chance to travel post war to the Gamma Quadrant as a monumental oppertunity, and had several of his superiors at the Science Acadamy use some of their influence to get him onboard. Tension runs VERY high when Mark and Torak find themselves in the same room.
Torak's team from the Vulcan Science Acadamy consist of five Vulcan Scientists listed below:
Sotal/Male- Physics
Turod/Male - Zoology
Villir/Female - Archeology
Tinnas/Male - Subspace Theory
Vellar/Female - xenobiology
All NPCs are useable, and killable, but PLEASE, don't kill them all off. I will need some later. I do reserve the right to make these characters inaccessable down the road if I need to.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:26 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Okay, I've altered my bios to reflect what we've discussed.
Oh, and I made a tiny reference to the Chakat universe with the Pegusus' hull number. The Chakat Universe has a FSS Pegusus with a hull number of NCC-2121 while this one is 82121

I'm such a dork
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:28 am
by Mark
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:Okay, I've altered my bios to reflect what we've discussed.
Oh, and I made a tiny reference to the Chakat universe with the Pegusus' hull number. The Chakat Universe has a FSS Pegusus with a hull number of NCC-2121 while this one is 82121

I'm such a dork
At least "no bloody A, B, C, or D"
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:51 am
by Monroe
We never agreed on it being called Pegasus;)
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:56 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Monroe wrote:We never agreed on it being called Pegasus;)
Are you objecting?