As far as dandelions go, my Dad does this and it works. Take a chisel or a long sharp object that you don't mind being dirty. Dig around the weed around the root (the root are about two inches deep) and you should be able to pull it out root and all. It takes a bit of practice, but it will definitely get rid of the your dandelions. Throw the weeds aways in your trash. It won't get rid of them completely but won't spread as quickly. Problem is that your neighbors dandelions will eventually migrate to your lawn. My Dad's lawn was once covered with them but now over the past ten years he has only maybe a dozen or so which he takes out.Mikey wrote:Well, I'm about to give up. My lawn is doing well this year but is inundated in parts by dandelions, ground ivy, and clover. If my latest attempt at an herbicidal application doesn't work, I'm just going to throw in the towel and open up a salad bar and an apiary.
BTW, even though mowing does nothing to the ground ivy, it smells absolutely phenomenal when I run over it. Before I identified it (the leaves lack the arrowhead shape of a deadnettle,) I was half-ready to believe I had athelas growing in my back yard.
I assume you can probably do this with other deep rooted weeds too.