Nickswitz wrote:Today while at Lowe's I saw a gentleman who was trying to lift his vans hood to put in antifreeze, but he was in a wheelchair (he ws in the handicapped section) so I started walking over to help him out, and as I got there the hood of his van slipped out of his hand and gashed his forehead pretty bad. So I ended up standing out there for about 20 minutes helping him out, called 911, then called his mother, he was mentally handicapped, who was worried, although quick glad that I had showed up to help, and then put the antifreeze in the van. The worst part was had I gotten there like 30 seconds earlier there would be no gash in his forehead, and he wouldn't need a hospital visit, although I'm still exceptionally glad that I could help him out.
So I feel jittery and hyped up on adrenaline. Which is a fun feeling at first, but when it starts wearing off it feels pretty crappy.
Good for you, Nickswitz! It's nice to know there are some people out there who are willing to help others. I know some people who would have just continued walking on. And I understand about the adrenaline wear-off, too. You just want to crash like a cheap Italian warplane.
Nickswitz wrote:Mark wrote:Lord do I hate Christmas sometimes. Can't they put ANYTHING on TV to give us some variety? Whoever decided to put movies on a 24 hour loop should be drawn and quartered.
Most certainly, and worse yet they only seem to put the crappy ones on a 24 hour loop, there are a couple good Christmas movies, none of them ever play on Christmas.
And if you work in retail, don't forget about the endless Christmas music that slowly bores its way into your brain, eventually draining you of your sanity, gradually reducing you to a catatonic drooling thumb-sucker. Working at Radio Shack with Sirius XM Christmas Channel on... all... day... long... will do that to you.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -Benjamin Franklin-