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Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:39 am
by Monroe
D. Sergez wrote:How do i join this
Well we have this plot on a Federation ship, then we have one on a mercenary ship. If you'd like to join this one post your character and if its a low ranked one he can just hop right in otherwise we can make Daystorm return to federation space since it seems to have accomplished most of its mission.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:37 pm
by Mikey
And f the S31 ship plays out, we also have a way to investigate/defeat it...

Mr. Seregez - just post a bio for a potential character, and then you have merely to ask.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:25 pm
by Reliant121
Just remember that you've missed alot of excitement. I obviously encourage joining the mercenary ship because thats the one of which I participate in now, but as has been said, post your Bio and have a shot at the mission board!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:59 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Wow, missed quite a bit here. If I may go back a few posts:
Blackstar wrote:Rank: Commander

Well, this is the only problem I have with your bio. We already have two commanders on board, which is unusual enough. Throwing a third one in, despite the restrictions you placed on yourself, would cause chaos.
There are already ways of keeping certain characters (such as myself) in check. Firstly; there's Teaos who holds equal rank to me. We established early on in the RPG that I couldn't do anything to him, and he could counter my orders. As Teaos is a civilian officer, and rather laid back in his duties, he is pretty much a natural opposite to my character. Although he hasn't posted in a while, his character can still be written into situations that could use him.

Secondly; there's the Captain himself. He holds rank above all on board, and can counter any order I may give (he already did that a couple of times, IIRC). The fact that he's an NPC means that anyone can use him, as long as he stays in character.

Lastly; there's the rules of Starfleet themselves. These prevent me or others from doing anything obviously out of line on board the ship.

A better rank more fitting of your position would be either a lieutenant or lieutenant commander.
Mikey wrote:(Although Rochey should be in a frame of mind to act favorably to Mikey... he knows what I did for him!)
Don't worry, he knows you're an ally to him now, and that he can trust you to follow orders.
Blackstar wrote:that every time someone does something slightly out of line they get nailed to the wall.
Well, that's part of my charcter's mental mindset. He comes down on people who aren't following the rules (or his orders) like a tonne of bricks.
Having my character forced out was not fun.
Your character was hardly forced out. You had stated quite a while before the whole incident that you were planning on starting a spin-off RPG, and during the start of the incident you said you might use it to start the spin-off. There were plenty of ways that situation could have been resolved without leading to what happened. I think I even suggested one possible course that would get you off with little more than a slap on the wrist.
Still, most Starfleet officers wouldn't order someone to give up a child they've taken responsibility for.
No, they wouldn't. But remember that Rochey is just as alien to Starfleet as your own character was. He was only here as part of an exchange program with the Tholian Assembly. He expected Starfleet to be a lot different than it was, and when he found out how different it was, he resolved to bring the ship's crew up to his own expectations.
I didn't expect him to do that so I never planned on disobaying him. I figured it would be a heated arguement at worst.
Well, there was a heated argument. However, it could have been resolved a lot differently.
For example; you could have just given Talora the child and told her to bring it back to the Daystrom while telling Rochey you'd gotten rid of it as ordered. We all get back to the ship, and I find that the kid is there. Rochey'd be rather pissed at that, but the Captain wouldn't let him try to remove it from the ship.
I thought he was still a Starfleet officer.
He was still a Starfleet officer. And still is. What he isn't is a nice guy. You can be one without being the other.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:03 pm
by Reliant121
I think the point of Blacky's new character is that she isn't actually a part of the crew. She is there purely to see what the f*** is going on. It would only be reasonable she holds a high base of power.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:10 pm
by shran
Did the captain already have a first name? I named him Andrew Fletcher.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:24 pm
by Sionnach Glic
IIRC, his first name was Andrew. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:34 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Secondly; there's the Captain himself. He holds rank above all on board, and can counter any order I may give (he already did that a couple of times, IIRC). The fact that he's an NPC means that anyone can use him, as long as he stays in character.
Last time I used him, Mikey yelled at me for having the captian show favortism or something.
For example; you could have just given Talora the child and told her to bring it back to the Daystrom while telling Rochey you'd gotten rid of it as ordered. We all get back to the ship, and I find that the kid is there. Rochey'd be rather pissed at that, but the Captain wouldn't let him try to remove it from the ship
Well a)I didn't know she had a working shuttle at the time and b)you could've brought that option to my attention a few weeks ago
A better rank more fitting of your position would be either a lieutenant or lieutenant commander.
Fine, I'll go with the rank of Lt. Commander.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:05 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Last time I used him, Mikey yelled at me for having the captian show favortism or something.
I think he was more pointing out that he wasn't just going to let you off scott-free after everything that went on.
you could've brought that option to my attention a few weeks ago
I'm pretty sure I did suggest a few possibilities.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:08 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Rochey wrote:
you could've brought that option to my attention a few weeks ago
I'm pretty sure I did suggest a few possibilities.
Yes, but not that possibility. I like that one. I would've used it. It sounds like something I would do.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:28 pm
by Sionnach Glic

Well, the point remains that I did offer you a few alternatives.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:01 pm
by Mikey
I wasn't yelling... I was just trying to make sure that our NPC skipper continued to act both in character and as a Starfleet captain.

And I think Lt. or Lt. Cmdr. seem more appropriate, and more in line with what rank would be assigned the job you describe. No large departments to command, and enough rank to do your job without getting in the way of the upper strata of the ship you're investigating.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:56 pm
by Monroe
I think Mikey was pointing out earlier in a nicer way was when you were basically godmoding. That's what I would have called it and to be honest that's why I took a break from posting. You shouldn't get too attached to your characters to make them pay for doing stupid mistakes. You can always make a new character. If your character begins shooting at Federation ships to save some newborn then you should let your character live or die with the consequences.

No one forced you out. You forced yourself out imo. When you burn all your character's bridges don't be surprised if the only choice left is to jump into the lake.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:00 pm
by Monroe
^ I do welcome your new character though. I have nothing against you personally just that last character you seemed a bit too attached to. Sorry if my last post was a bit extreme.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:21 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Monroe wrote:^ I do welcome your new character though. I have nothing against you personally just that last character you seemed a bit too attached to. Sorry if my last post was a bit extreme.
Well, I named and based hir off my primary alter-ego, so to speak. And then I really got into it. And I have a tendency to get attached to the first character I create for RPGs. When I was younger I played a Monster Rancher game, I teared up when I had to retire my first Monster. The game wasn't even that good. I get way too attached to stuff like that.