I was thinking about this. How is this a catastophic defeat for the Feds? The Romulans went into isolation after this.Captain Seafort wrote:I've said it before and I'll probably say it again - the only sane explanation for Algeron is that the Tomed Incident was a catastrophic Fed defeat, and the cloaking ban was imposed on them by the Romulans as part of a victors' peace.Jim wrote:One could say that the Romulans gave up the active persuit of conflict... war or expansion. The Romulans are a warrior race, the Federation is not. So the UFoP gave up cloaking to gain peace of mind against attack/war. ??? maybe...
We do not know what happened. All we know it cost thousands of lives and led the Romulans into isloation and the Federation abandoning cloaking devices. My guess it was a large battle between the two that the Romulans realized in the end, it could not match the Federation or it cost them dearly. I also think the Federation possessing cloaking devices worried the Romulans as well.
It just makes no sense to me to have the Romulans go into self imposed isolation if they were the victors in the incident.