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Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:01 am
by Varthikes
Granted. The dentist makes a mistake and removes one of your incisors instead. (something like that actually happened to me)

I wish I could travel to other Earth-like worlds.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:48 pm
by Mikey
Granted. On arrival, you find that those worlds are, unfortunately, populated by people just like this planet's people.

I wish my pancreas still worked. (Don't feel sorry, I can take it - I wouldn't have put it on here if I were too sensitive.)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:05 pm
by MetalHead
Granted. However the only way to fix it was with nano probes and you are now a borg drone!

I wish my mug of tea was still warm.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:10 am
by Mikey
Granted. However, it was reheated with napalm, and that cup of tea is now the only thing left in the smoldering wreckage of your home.

I wish I hadn't had that second (or third) shot of Jagermeister this evening.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:31 pm
by MetalHead
Granted. However you can never ever drink alcohol again.

I wish I had a bottle of jagermeister to go with my JD so I could mix sledgehammers.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:17 pm
by Bryan Moore
Granted, but you wake up the next morning married to one of the Duras sisters.

I wish I didn't need the gym to gain muscle.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:23 pm
by Foxbat
Granted. Your daily steroid cocktail has made you super-buff. But are now impotent and suffer constant bouts of 'roid-rage'.

I wish Barry Bonds never tied or broke the home run record in Major League Baseball.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:51 pm
by MetalHead
Granted. The sport of baseball never existed.

I wish old people were not allowed to drive cars.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:27 pm
by The Wormhole
Granted. Now old people have a special taxi service, and your a driver in it.

I wish I wasn't surrounded by sloths.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:05 am
by MetalHead
The Wormhole wrote:Granted. Now old people have a special taxi service, and your a driver in it.

I wish I wasn't surrounded by sloths.
hahaha as long as im drivin then we'll get into 5th gear no probs ;-)


Granted. You are now in sorrounded by Zombies from 28 Days Later, and they're rather hungry.

I wish I had a nice cold can of coke

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:51 am
by Mikey
Granted, but you've lost all the fingers on your right hand to frostbite, due to a misinterpretation of the phrase "nice, cold".

I wish my daughter would stop saying "no" to me and start listening.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:36 am
by Foxbat
Granted. She stops speaking to you entirely. She does start to listen to you, but only while your listening to Disco music.

I wish I had a new calculator that actually works when I want it to, not when it decides to...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:42 am
by MetalHead
Granted, the calculator works whenever you want it to - however it will only calculate the amount of time it will take you to break it.

I wish I had not let my friend mix me a cocktail last night

(FYI - Strongbow, Malibu, JD, And some kind of wine. Madness)