GrahamKennedy wrote:Sovvy is gorgeous to be sure, but it disappoints me in a couple of ways, though.
For one, it's too small. I know, there's no rule saying Enterprises have to get bigger every time. But dammit, they should! Every Enterprise should be bigger, faster, more powerful, and just all around more kick ass than the last one. The Sov should have been scaled to have 30-50% more volume than the E-D, in my humble opinion.
For another, some aspects of the design nag at me. The quantum torpedo launcher has to be really small to fit where it is... and in fact most of the torpedo tubes have to be really small, especially on the refitted version where they have stuck all sorts of extras on. Small torp tubes bother me, because if they take up so little internal volume then why not fit dozens, even hundreds? I tend to like weapons that are sized in proportion to the ship.
Good point, but submarine torpedo bays aren't all that big right?
Same idea...
Confusion about separation capability. It's said that the ship was designed with separation as a possibility... but there's only two impulse engines, so apparently the separated ship would have warp only on the engineering hull, and impulse only on the saucer. I don't like that.
I've seen a couple of pics with impulse engines where one of the cargo bay doors used to be on engineering hull. But those weren't canon of course.