Re: 40k roleplay comments
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:58 pm
I think we're off to a good start. Good opening posts from everyone. Who are we still waiting on? Reliant, Tsu and Rochey... Not surprised by the last one...
I actually wasn't a 100% sure on the current setting so i left it open enough so that it could be amended later. I thought the team was in transit but wasn't completelly sure.Mikey wrote:Nice, Monroe. Some type of flshback? There aren't ranks among the retinue as such, although some of you may have ranks from your IG careers. My char is an interrogator - like an apprentice inquisitor - so would head up the mission but doesn't really have the authority of a full inquisitor yet. Of course, inquisitors have the authority to order the completw destruction of all life on a planet...
NP. I had purposely left it vague, figuring that the guy wouldn't know the name of the planet anyways. If asked he would probably refer to as just "Home".Mikey wrote:Sounds good. I figure I didn't take you off that rock for your people skills, anyway. Hope you don't mind in the brief I picked a feral world in the Calixis sector.
That's part of the characters inspiration. And Fenrisians are basically Vikings on another planet, so it all comes together. Like some sort of plan...Deepcrush wrote:That works well enough. I kind of pictured him as someone out of 13th Warrior.
Well I meant other humans.Mikey wrote:Well, there are pig references for Orks; Eldar are pretty much referred to as effeminate, flighty, vile, disgusting, untrustworthy, etc.; and most aliens in general are just vile xenos who need to be slaughtered.
Ah good thinking. Still though I wouldn't want to offend people with real life racial slurs... but they'd probably be bleeped out anyway.Deepcrush wrote:Well, a million worlds and countless colonies and starbases. You can use modern words or make up your own if you want. You can't go wrong in 40k, which makes it a good places for both newcomers and oldtimers. Anything you want, you can have. From SciFi techno jabby jabby to wishy woshy magic.
Think up a way in which you want him to speak and go with it. Any words you make up, well you are from another world so we wont always understand each other.
Most of the insults in WH40k directed at humans are a reference to their career, status or smething sexual. IE:Monroe wrote:
Well I meant other humans.
Is what I'm worried about If a mod says its okay I'll throw in some light racial terms.Innuendo, while it has become an accepted part of the forum, needs its limits. A sly comment here and there or a clever barb is fine and even amusing, however this is a PG-13 board and thus the comments need to be kept reasonable. Basically this means nothing obscene or obviously sexual. Acceptable innuendo can be classed as a comment that we can understand but that an 8 year old would be oblivious to.
I like those. Specially Cogboy and Meathead.Cpl Kendall wrote:
Most of the insults in WH40k directed at humans are a reference to their career, status or smething sexual. IE:
Grox fondler
City Boy
Emperor Botherer