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Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:17 am
by Aaron
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
And what?
And what's the problem with it being speculation?
I tried that with you once. Didn't like it. And I think you're taking these things too seriously
Pardon me I find willful ignorance and dilberate obtuseness incredibly offensive.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:28 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Cpl Kendall wrote:Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
And what?
And what's the problem with it being speculation?
They wouldn't know it was true, and unless Phlox and Archer were idiots, no one else would know it was true.
I tried that with you once. Didn't like it. And I think you're taking these things too seriously
Pardon me I find willful ignorance and dilberate obtuseness incredibly offensive.
willful ignorance? deliberate obtuseness? What proof do you have that it's willful and deliberate? Before you know something you're ignorant, and if you refuse to tell me what I don't know then I remain ignorant. And maybe I'm not being deliberately obtuse. Maybe you just aren't making yourself as clear as you think. I know I've said many things which I thought were clear to anyone yet be taken in a completely unrelated way(see my suspension for an example).
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:31 am
by Aaron
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
They wouldn't know it was true, and unless Phlox and Archer were idiots, no one else would know it was true.
You assume that everyone they meet is going to be logical and rational..
willful ignorance? deliberate obtuseness? What proof do you have that it's willful and deliberate? Before you know something you're ignorant, and if you refuse to tell me what I don't know then I remain ignorant. And maybe I'm not being deliberately obtuse. Maybe you just aren't making yourself as clear as you think. I know I've said many things which I thought were clear to anyone yet be taken in a completely unrelated way(see my suspension for an example).
Reread this thread. Pay particular attention to your posts where you say it's easier for us to teach you rather than learn on your own or the "what happened to ignorance is bliss" statement uttered by you.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:41 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Pay particular attention to your posts where you say it's easier for us to teach you rather than learn on your own
It is easier and faster to be taught then to learn on your own, which is why we have teachers and schools. And here's a Funny say Archer should use this cure he had to cure this species of their physical aliments. Yet you think that you shouldn't use the knowledge you have to cure me of my ignorance. I'm sure you can see the contradictions.
"what happened to ignorance is bliss" statement uttered by you.
That was a joke, while at the same time explaining why someone might be willingly ignorant.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:44 am
by Aaron
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
It is easier and faster to be taught then to learn on your own, which is why we have teachers and schools. And here's a Funny say Archer should use this cure he had to cure this species of their physical aliments. Yet you think that you shouldn't use the knowledge you have to cure me of my ignorance. I'm sure you can see the contradictions.
You know what the difference between the two is? The race in question was not suffering by choice and even attempted to help themselves. Thus far I have not seen you show any willingness to learn on your own and in fact when someone pointed out to you that a few seconds on google would have taught you everything you needed on the Falklands, you said you'd rather ask. If you showed a willingness to improve people might be willing to teach.
That was a joke, while at the same time explaining why someone might be willingly ignorant.
It obviously was close enough to fact that no one actually thought it was a joke.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:47 am
by Aaron
I'm going to leave the thread now. Before I say or do something that I might regret.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:52 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Cpl Kendall wrote:Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
It is easier and faster to be taught then to learn on your own, which is why we have teachers and schools. And here's a Funny say Archer should use this cure he had to cure this species of their physical aliments. Yet you think that you shouldn't use the knowledge you have to cure me of my ignorance. I'm sure you can see the contradictions.
You know what the difference between the two is? The race in question was not suffering by choice and even attempted to help themselves. Thus far I have not seen you show any willingness to learn on your own and in fact when someone pointed out to you that a few seconds on google would have taught you everything you needed on the Falklands, you said you'd rather ask. If you showed a willingness to improve people might be willing to teach.
I tried that but in that specific case the results were rather confusing. Just because you don't see the effort doesn't mean it isn't there. Besides, asking gets me more then just facts, it gets opinions which are just as valuable IMO.
That was a joke, while at the same time explaining why someone might be willingly ignorant.
It obviously was close enough to fact that no one actually thought it was a joke.
Like I said, it was explaining why someone might be willingly ignorant, a serious matter, as well as a joke.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:35 am
by Teaos
A little late but:
DS9 had everything in it, good plot lne with story arcs, politics, characterisation.
Voyager: Yeah it had its slaws but I found it more consistently interesting than the others. It never had the OMG thats awesome moments that both TNG and DS9 managed but over all I could sit down and enjoy it more as a whole than the others.
Movies: Well some like TMP were crap but over all its some of the best trek.
TNG: Mind nummingly boring in bits with moments of perfection.
TOS: Maybe I'm just to young but I can't stand the crappy sets and special effects, they are so bad I just cant get past them. And since I didnt see it several decades ago when it was good effects I cant think back to how it was amazing. I also have a rather strong hatred for Kirk that I can never quite work out why, he just annoys the hell out of me.
ENT: The total oppostie of TOS, goood, even great effects with crap plots and characters.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:25 am
by katefan
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:Cpl Kendall wrote:Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
It is easier and faster to be taught then to learn on your own, which is why we have teachers and schools. And here's a Funny say Archer should use this cure he had to cure this species of their physical aliments. Yet you think that you shouldn't use the knowledge you have to cure me of my ignorance. I'm sure you can see the contradictions.
You know what the difference between the two is? The race in question was not suffering by choice and even attempted to help themselves. Thus far I have not seen you show any willingness to learn on your own and in fact when someone pointed out to you that a few seconds on google would have taught you everything you needed on the Falklands, you said you'd rather ask. If you showed a willingness to improve people might be willing to teach.
I tried that but in that specific case the results were rather confusing. Just because you don't see the effort doesn't mean it isn't there. Besides, asking gets me more then just facts, it gets opinions which are just as valuable IMO.
I noticed you seem incapable of conceding he has a point in regard to the episode Dear Doctor. I realize you are high on Enterprise, but an inability to acknowledging the show's flaws makes you look unreasonable and/or irrational in regards to this subject. I love TOS but I admit that episodes like And The Children Shall Lead and The Way To Eden suck. I am a huge Kate Bush fan but I cannot deny some of her songs are incomprehensible to me.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:59 am
by Reliant121
Teaos wrote:
TOS: Maybe I'm just to young but I can't stand the crappy sets and special effects, they are so bad I just cant get past them. And since I didnt see it several decades ago when it was good effects I cant think back to how it was amazing. I also have a rather strong hatred for Kirk that I can never quite work out why, he just annoys the hell out of me.
Thank god i'm not the only one, besides blackstar that is. you have the same reasons for me.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:56 pm
by Mark
The same holds true for anything in life. Just becuase you love something or are a huge fan of someone, DOESN'T mean that you have to like EVERYTHING they've ever said and or done. In the Trek universe, the same is just as relevent. Why do you suppose that we take the time to talk about YATIs? After all, it seems like we're knocking our favorite series, right? It's not that, it's just that as intellegent and free willed humans we have the right to question what we see and hear. And if something doesn't make sense or is silly, it doesn't mean we don't still like the show, but we acknowledge it and move on.

Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:01 am
by Tsukiyumi
Mark wrote:...but we acknowledge it and move on.

Most of the time, anyways.

Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:20 am
by Monroe
KuvahMagh wrote:Teaos wrote:Its more the fact that its so impossible for 6 sapient species to evolve on the same planet. Along with the whole, super alien gods teaching them how to build a planet buster is just stupid.
I actually liked the 6 Sentients from one Planet deal and their history, War then working together then some turning their backs to the rest and such. My problem with the idea was that it was close enough to Earth for them to send Enterprise, the Journey didn't seem to be very long IIRC (besides by the 23rd century it would be even shorter), the Vulcans knew about the area, the Klingons, the Andorians. Yet by the time we get into the 23rd century there is no mention of the Xindi even though they are so close and everyone knows about them. Even with the Expanse gone you would think we would see some evidence that this whole arc and species wasn't just created as a last ditch effort to get ratings and avoid Berman and Braga's Pink Slip...
It took like 9 months for them to travel there. They skipped a lot of time between shows.
(Sorry if someone else mentioned this, reading what I missed)
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:22 am
by Monroe
Rochey wrote:Out of curiosity, do any of the people who have placed ENT as their favourite series actualy have any reasoning for this?
Yes, I posted in the what we did like why.
Re: The Xindi Paradox
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:32 am
by Monroe
Reliant121 wrote:Cpl Kendall wrote:Reliant121 wrote:Deus ex was playable at the time. i couldn't plat it now. never played 25th anniversary. i dont think i'm old enough.
So were all games. I imagine you could find 25th on the net, you'd need an emulator and whatnot though.
True. I am a hardcore gamer at heart. Graphics are one of the major contenders for me.
I'm the opposite. I think I went from the Ur-Quan Masters (which someone posted here

) to Quake 4 and love both games.
Aristotle put special effects at the bottom of his poetics and he had a good point. But some games since they're older have more primitive gameplay options which can get fustrating.