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Re: A new random thread

Post by Angharrad »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I'll add that, too.
Thanks. You all are the best.
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Nickswitz »

So, I've come to despise people who tell me that if I don't vote that I shouldn't complain about who is making decisions. My lack of voting is a vote in itself, I do not inactively vote, I am not too lazy to vote, I do not believe in the system that has been established by the country to manage or handle our votes, nor am I willing to pick the "lesser of two evils". In my opinion that's like walking into a room and being asked to play a game of poker, but the ante is either your hand or your arm. I don't believe either candidate is going to fix the problems that we face, because first of all the system of government we have in place requires cooperation between people who have differing ideas and beliefs, something that humans have never been very good at, but also it requires that people who have different ideas and beliefs compromise, something humans have had a VERY BAD track record of doing, especially when it comes to people who happen to have power.
Also, as for the argument that I should not be allowed to vote. Simply by voting that person who believes themselves to be better than I because they voted are reinforcing my right to bitch about whoever is in office, because their vote means that they are on the side of the constitution which says that I have the right to bitch all I want whether I'm the laziest hillbilly from Texas, or the most elite Stock broker on the stock exchange floor, whether I voted, or sat at home and jerked off to porn. If you voted, you said that you believed in this country and what it stands for, and the #1 thing that this country stands for is our personal freedoms, so I will bitch and moan about the president because he makes decisions that I don't agree with, and every time someone tells me I can't because I didn't vote and therefore can't say shit, I will point them to the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and let them know that every time they vote, they are reinforcing MY rights just as much as their own.

:Steps off soap box:
Sorry, just needed to yell about that. Been pissing me off all day because I personally do not agree with either candidate's position on certain things that matter a lot to me, and therefore, I would not vote because I don't believe that the democratic system is the best way to govern and I don't believe that voting anyone into office will really change much of anything. That's simply my opinion on it. But I can't stand people who seem to believe that I didn't vote because I was a lazy jackass, or a stubborn jerk who just wanted to tell people how wrong they are for whoever they voted for. I didn't vote because I don't believe in the system that has been established and therefore do not wish to participate in said established system. This does not mean in any way that I can't keep saying why this established system is wrong. :cheers:
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Re: A new random thread

Post by IanKennedy »

I believe that there should be a "none of the above" option on any ballet paper. If "None of the above" wins the vote then neither candidate should be elected and they need to present new people.
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Re: A new random thread

Post by McAvoy »

Sounds like an idea to me.
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Griffin »

IanKennedy wrote:I believe that there should be a "none of the above" option on any ballet paper. If "None of the above" wins the vote then neither candidate should be elected and they need to present new people.
We have that in our student council vote I think, and I think others do as well, RoN, (ReOpen Nominations). Apparently in years with poor candidates "Ron" has had his own campaign.
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Re: A new random thread

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

McAvoy wrote:Sounds like an idea to me.
Sounds like a good idea to me. ;)
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Vic »

Nickswitz wrote:So, I've come to despise people who tell me that if I don't vote that I shouldn't complain about who is making decisions. My lack of voting is a vote in itself, I do not inactively vote, I am not too lazy to vote, I do not believe in the system that has been established by the country to manage or handle our votes, nor am I willing to pick the "lesser of two evils". In my opinion that's like walking into a room and being asked to play a game of poker, but the ante is either your hand or your arm. I don't believe either candidate is going to fix the problems that we face, because first of all the system of government we have in place requires cooperation between people who have differing ideas and beliefs, something that humans have never been very good at, but also it requires that people who have different ideas and beliefs compromise, something humans have had a VERY BAD track record of doing, especially when it comes to people who happen to have power.
Also, as for the argument that I should not be allowed to vote. Simply by voting that person who believes themselves to be better than I because they voted are reinforcing my right to bitch about whoever is in office, because their vote means that they are on the side of the constitution which says that I have the right to bitch all I want whether I'm the laziest hillbilly from Texas, or the most elite Stock broker on the stock exchange floor, whether I voted, or sat at home and jerked off to porn. If you voted, you said that you believed in this country and what it stands for, and the #1 thing that this country stands for is our personal freedoms, so I will bitch and moan about the president because he makes decisions that I don't agree with, and every time someone tells me I can't because I didn't vote and therefore can't say shit, I will point them to the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and let them know that every time they vote, they are reinforcing MY rights just as much as their own.

:Steps off soap box:
Sorry, just needed to yell about that. Been pissing me off all day because I personally do not agree with either candidate's position on certain things that matter a lot to me, and therefore, I would not vote because I don't believe that the democratic system is the best way to govern and I don't believe that voting anyone into office will really change much of anything. That's simply my opinion on it. But I can't stand people who seem to believe that I didn't vote because I was a lazy jackass, or a stubborn jerk who just wanted to tell people how wrong they are for whoever they voted for. I didn't vote because I don't believe in the system that has been established and therefore do not wish to participate in said established system. This does not mean in any way that I can't keep saying why this established system is wrong. :cheers:

If a democratic system is not the best way to govern, what is?
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Teaos »

In theory a nice idea, but hugely impractical.

If you did that in this election then Obama would be left in power for several months while a whole new round of elections came and went, something like that has to take several months.

it costs hundreds of millions.

Leaves you with a guy in charge who knows he is not being re elected.

Or on the other hand power is given to a interum who is not elected and has to right to the position.

Chances are wll happen again. If you didnt like these two, who would you like, and would a majority of other people agree with you?
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Mikey »

You know, Nick, ballots have an interesting feature known as a "write-in." Not voting is not the same thing at all as voicing your displeasure with either candidate. Now I'll never be the guy who tells you not to complain because you didn't vote; but I will be the guy who asks, if you do complain, why you didn't vote for someone even if it wasn't the choice from column A or column B.

Further, the ballots almost always contain referenda. These aren't even questions of "which," but simply questions of "yes" or "no." Why wouldn't you want to make your opinion heard on these questions, even if you skipped the entire rest of the ballot?
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Angharrad »

I recently told a guy in a bar I was Portuguese. He was drunk, I wasn't. He believed me. :|
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Praeothmin »

Royal_Foxx wrote:I recently told a guy in a bar I was Portuguese. He was drunk, I wasn't. He believed me. :|
Well of course he did, if you told him in Portugese... :mrgreen:
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Re: A new random thread

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Well, the 'drunk' probably had something to do with it.
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Angharrad »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Well, the 'drunk' probably had something to do with it.
You win. :lol:
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Re: A new random thread

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Angharrad wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Well, the 'drunk' probably had something to do with it.
You win. :lol:
Only on occasion. ;)
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Re: A new random thread

Post by Captain Picard's Hair »

Holiday question: shouldn't Rudolph the Reindeer's red nose be needed every Christmas? After all, the world is a big place and it's bound to be cloudy somewhere every Christmas Eve!
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