On Grr'lek: Caitians are in general more thoughtful and introspective and less impulsive and violent than humans, and Grr'lek's no exception. He's rather quiet; not unfriendly as such, he just believes in an extreme economy of words - he never says anything when nothing needs to be said, and never says in 10 words what he can say in three. Many take this to be aloofness, and they're not entirely wrong - he is a feline, after all. He has an extreme loyalty to Mikey, based on Mikey's faith in him and help in placing Grr'lek more than once.Mark wrote:Reliant, give me some insight into your Cardassian characters personality. Mikey, give me something on Grr'elk too. I'm floundering here.
Currently, he is struggling a bit with his return to Federation culture after so long among the Romulans on Alba Longa (the new Romulan capital world.) He feels - correcty - that he has inadvertently adopted a fair bit of a Romulan mindset, and is still feels a little "at sea" with his new responsibility.