Wow, I thought I had agreed that it wasn't as extensive as, say, what had been done to the Lakota, but I never did.Mikey wrote:Refits involving the proper tech, with the proper facilities and personnel, should be less exhaustive than has been theorized.
I too agree that with proper installations, like a drydock, it could take a few weeks at most to replace both large strips (after the redesign has been done, of course).
But, again, it wouldn't be that easy while in the middle of nowhere, with no dock of any sort to assist.
You still have to rip out the old parts and modify housings and integrate the new parts, not like taking out parts that you re-insert the same way afterwards.
Has it been stated, as fact, that they didn't have any such help from any such facilities?It's not logical to assume the existence of such an alien facility when there's no evidence of it. In fact, no such modifications were made when the ship did encounter any sortof station.
For example, when Voyager got the new Isokinetic cannon, the race that sold it to them needed to help them install it.
When the inventor died, they were not able to integrate it to their systems.
So, was it specificaly stated that, when they installed the alien technology, no base, dock or station was needed, and no help from the creators of the Tech?
Also, what changes were as big as replacing the two biggest Phaser arrays on a Nebula-class with newer models not made to go on?