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Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:53 pm
by Lt. Staplic
no the palmer's name isn't Trek related,
sorry to all who didn't get a ship, but i only did people that I could think of some personality quark to use.
I'll see if I can come up with something.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:35 am
by Lt. Staplic
to all who care but couldn't guess, the first chiropractor, and founder of the first chiropractic college was Palmer.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:21 am
by Tsukiyumi
Lt. Staplic wrote:nice
to all who care but couldn't guess, the first chiropractor, and founder of the first chiropractic college was Palmer.
I should've known that. I thought it was a reference to
Robert Palmer, though I guess you're a bit too young to know who that is.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:10 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Thread temporarily locked while undergoing maintanence. Should only take a few minutes.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
And we're back. All material on the DITL fleet split to a seperate thread.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:11 pm
by Mikey
Tsukiyumi wrote:Lt. Staplic wrote:nice
to all who care but couldn't guess, the first chiropractor, and founder of the first chiropractic college was Palmer.
I should've known that. I thought it was a reference to
Robert Palmer, though I guess you're a bit too young to know who that is.
Some like it hot, eh?
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:30 pm
by Mark
Might as well face it.................your addicted to love.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:17 am
by Lt. Staplic
now introducing the Jacorn Confederation:
Eim Class
360m x 90m x 67.5m
17 decks: 200 crew - 40 officers 160 enlisted
3x Type Lu Oly-euron
2x Type Sha Oly-euron
7x Graviton Torpedo Tubes
Shields: 1.2 million TJ
Armor: 8cm Traditional
Standard SIF
Warp Cruise: 11
Max Warp: 13.2
Beam: 214
Torpedo: 875
Wepon Range: 500
Shields: 444.444
Hull: 830
Warp: 1200.916
Maneuverability: 1200
Overall: 588.893
Eim Class
The Federation first encountered the Jacorn Confederation through the meeting of the USS Andoria and a Jacon Eim Class vessel in 2392. The subsequent destruction of the Jacorn vessel ignited a two week war between the two powers. During this war, the Federation learned the Eim was considered a Battle Cruiser, and was armed with some kind of new beam wepons, different than phasers or disruptors, and a new torpedo, the graviton torpedo. Both wepons systems were however overall much less effective and weaker than the Federations wepons. After the war, the Federation and Jacorn negotiators traded some cultural and technological information revealing the nature of the new Jacorn wepons.
Sharla Class
775m x 300m x 150m
37 decks: 1700 crew - 250 officers 1450 enlisted
6x Type Lu Oly-euron
4x Type Sha Oly-euron
12x Graviton Torpedo Tubes
Shields: 2.1 million TJ
Armor: 20cm Traditional
Standard SIF
Warp Cruise: 8
Max Warp: 12
Beam: 428
Torpedo: 1500
Wepons Range: 1250
Shields: 777.778
Hull: 2030
Warp: 902.266
Maneuverability: 1000
Overall: 1024.076
Sharla Class
A Jacorn Battleship, this vessel was encountered during the war with the Confederacy. Significantly larger than the Eim Class Battle Cruiser and much more heavily armed, the class was still no match for the Federations war-ships. The Sharla is armed with the same Oly-euron beams, as they are called, as the Eim and with Graviton torpedoes. Little else is known about this ship.
info on Jacorn Wepons:
Oly-euron Beam Wepons: used charged zetrion (yes this is a new particle) particals to emit the beam. effects last 2.1 seconds always. The Jacorn have developed a way to put the wepon into an array, and by running the array it is possable to create Oly-euron bursts longer than 2.1 seconds.four types are currently in use:
Type Zo: 100TW
Type Ki: 500TW
Type Sha: 850TW
Type Lu: 3000TW
Graviton Torpedo: The torpedo uses graviton wave disruption to cause distortions in space-time around the enemy. Effects are most pronounced at warp where the fluxuations can cause the warp bubble to collapse destroying the ship. at subwarp speeds these fluxuations still cause decient damage to the ship rated at 21 Isotons. the gravitational distortions can also cause shield emmitters to overload taking down shields and leaving the ship exposed for Oly-euron wepons.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:16 am
by Mikey
Are these jacorn descended from aquatic species? I ask because these ships remind me of a cuttlefish and a shark, respectively.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:58 am
by Lt. Staplic
I was wondering if anyone was going to pick up on that...yes they are.
I actually aimed the Eim class off an eel-like thing but I can see the cuttlefish idea with it.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:03 am
by Reliant121
Could we have some form of explanation on the mechanics of the weaponry?
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:51 am
by Tsukiyumi
Reliant121 wrote:Could we have some form of explanation on the mechanics of the weaponry?
Well, he said (magic particle X) creates some sort of damaging effect for 2.1 seconds, with arrays being able to sustain the reaction longer. I get the impression that it's an exotic reaction, but one that they haven't really mastered, as it's weaker than the phaser's (magic nadion reaction) effect.
As for the graviton torpedoes (which the Borg use), they should be self-explanatory.
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:52 am
by Reliant121
oh yeah...duh
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:30 pm
by Lt. Staplic
It's probably different than the borg's graviton torpedo...It might not be though, I don't know anything about the Borg version.
Reliant what kind of explanation were you wanting?
Re: The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:33 pm
by Reliant121
well we know (sort of how a phaser works). Just a basic talk on particles involved and what you do with them. Are they magnetically controlled, are the focused through anything, are they shunted through crystals (like phasers)