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Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:24 pm
by stitch626
I keep hearing references. What is Gucci? Is it a brand named item (only brand name thing I have is Tylonal)?
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:27 pm
by Tsukiyumi
stitch626 wrote:I keep hearing references. What is Gucci? Is it a brand named item (only brand name thing I have is Tylonal)?
Good on you, stitch!
Gucci makes clothes, shoes, purses, etc. that are routinely priced in the thousands of dollars, even though they're no better in quality than much cheaper products. It's status-symbol posturing bullcrap. Along with Prada, Rolex, Rolls Royce, Hummers, Ferraris, and so forth.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:28 pm
by stitch626
Well, I like Porsches, but that's due to their (IMO) nice style.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:31 pm
by Tsukiyumi
stitch626 wrote:Well, I like Porsches, but that's due to their (IMO) nice style.
They're usually quality machines as well, and rarely cost more than a hundred grand. The Ferraris are drastically overpriced, IMO.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:33 pm
by Duskofdead
I try to do my part to force corporate darwinism by never paying more for an item just because of its name. I have a very plain car, very plain clothes, etc. I want things to be functional of course, so I won't scrimp over pennies to save money and get an inferior product, but buying a brand name, hell no.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:34 pm
by stitch626
Yeah, as are the "luxury" cars (Lexus come to mind).
I've seen luxury cars that are terrable and cost rediculous amounts.
I drive a Chevy Aveo, a nice little ~$11,000 hatchback, and I couln't be happier. Good gas milage. Not too bad looking. Drives very well.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:36 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Duskofdead wrote:I try to do my part to force corporate darwinism by never paying more for an item just because of its name. I have a very plain car, very plain clothes, etc. I want things to be functional of course, so I won't scrimp over pennies to save money and get an inferior product, but buying a brand name, hell no.
Exactly. Quality is paramount (so that the damn things don't fall apart in a month), but spending extravagent amounts of money on things because of social posturing, or simply
because you can, is a serious problem in our civilization, IMO.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:37 pm
by stitch626
Discout rack, wonderfull.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:38 pm
by Duskofdead
Tsukiyumi wrote:Duskofdead wrote:I try to do my part to force corporate darwinism by never paying more for an item just because of its name. I have a very plain car, very plain clothes, etc. I want things to be functional of course, so I won't scrimp over pennies to save money and get an inferior product, but buying a brand name, hell no.
Exactly. Quality is paramount (so that the damn things don't fall apart in a month), but spending extravagent amounts of money on things because of social posturing, or simply
because you can, is a serious problem in our civilization, IMO.
The most common thing I see is cellphones. People buying a "chocolate" or a "razor" or whatever the hell the latest ones are called, always these chic little nonsense coffeehouse names. It's a damn cellphone. I don't need it to have IM chats with the guy I ordered my pizza from, or check if Macy's still has those slacks in stock. I use it to make calls and receive calls, and there's no need to pay 2 or 300 bucks for a fancier one.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:38 pm
by Tsukiyumi
stitch626 wrote:Yeah, as are the "luxury" cars (Lexus come to mind).
I've seen luxury cars that are terrable and cost rediculous amounts.
I drive a Chevy Aveo, a nice little ~$11,000 hatchback, and I couln't be happier. Good gas milage. Not too bad looking. Drives very well.
Damn straight. That's a nice car. I've got a
Saturn LW200 that I bought used from a relative for $9,000, gets about 25 mpg, and I could live in it should the need ever arise again.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:39 pm
by stitch626
Yeah. Well, razors are garbage anyway. It was taken apart by hand in the third Bourne movie.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:22 pm
by Mikey
I tend to agree with you guys. My cell is an LG VX8100 - all the neat things I want, without the price tag and "cool" name of an EnV, Razr, or whatever. Someone mentioned Lexus - which is Japanese for "Let's see if we can make them pay an extra $8,000 for a Toyota."
I do have one weakness in that regard, though: Nautica. I love their clothes, although I usually wait until I find a killer sale at Macy's.
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:13 am
by Teaos
As far as being blinged out with Jeweller and stuff I could win hands down if I wanted to. I just dont wear it much.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:20 am
by mwhittington
I have a used Samsung MM-A920 from Sprint, and I love it. A true multimedia phone I bought for $75 when at the time Radio Shack was selling it for $129.99. I can even watch TV on it, and I sometimes do, because I'm on Sprint's 3rd Party Plan, which is essentially their new Simply Everything Plan, but I only pay $20 per month, instead of $99. On top of that, I get $20 per month in download credit for songs, ringtones, wallpapers, applications, etc. The catch to all of that is you have to provide your own phone, or pay full price for one, which means instead of buying a new phone for $129.99 with a 2 year agreement, I'd have to pay the unactivated price of the phone, which on average, is around $300. If I ever got fired, I'd probably sell my phone on eBay and buy a prepaid phone, or just not tell Sprint I got fired.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 3:33 pm
by Mikey
I'm on Verzon Wireless, I pay $129/mo. for both my wife's line and mine - 1200 minutes/mo., free nights and weekends, no long distance or roaming, unlimited airtime and texts to other VZW users, 500 free texts/mo. to outside users. The LG VX8100 has an MP3 player, mobile web, e-mail, texts to land lines, camera and vid camera, and a 4G flash card. It's a little bulky, but the speakers are great.