Yeah, though a couple of my other female friends also like to get naked around me, so it's not like she's alone.Mark wrote:This is your female friend???

Hey, something has to offset the complete disaster area that is the rest of my life, right?

Yeah, though a couple of my other female friends also like to get naked around me, so it's not like she's alone.Mark wrote:This is your female friend???
So true. I just completely freaked out this female friend I was talking to with what I thought were pretty tame (at least to me) ideas. She tripped out. Going to let her go. She would get boring rather quickly, and I need excitment right now (AND NO RELATIONSHIPS), just "fun" friendsBlackstar the Chakat wrote:So there's at least three people here who like walking around in the nude? never can tell what kinds of things your friends are into.
Dude, after I leave Blackstars place, I'm coming you visit you and the girls. Well, mostly the girlsTsukiyumi wrote:Yeah, though a couple of my other female friends also like to get naked around me, so it's not like she's alone.Mark wrote:This is your female friend???![]()
Hey, something has to offset the complete disaster area that is the rest of my life, right?
Hopefully, I'll be able to comendeer a train. Parachuting naked from an airplane is a little uncomfortable.Tsukiyumi wrote:No prob. I'm only a few thousand miles south-west of her.
Mark wrote:Hopefully, I'll be able to comendeer a train. Parachuting naked from an airplane is a little uncomfortable.Tsukiyumi wrote:No prob. I'm only a few thousand miles south-west of her.
I've gotten loud noises from my old computer at time, which seems to have resulted from a buildup of dust in the fans. Now, my new machine is too young to have anything like that. I did once have a video card burn out from a power surge once, and had a hard drive go bad a few years back, on the old machine I've since sold. I did upgrade from 20 to 80 GB in the process, though (was to be 40, but due to some snafu, he gave me an extra 40 gig of capacity free!)IanKennedy wrote:Sounds like one of the fans has either got wires in it's way or has come off it's bearings. Depending upon how long it was like that it could have burned out the CPU or something else.RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Yeah, the lights and fan came on, along with this really disturbing whirring noise.Tsukiyumi wrote:
When you turned on the power, did any lights or fans come on? If so, did you hear any odd error beeps?
Any way we'd get to see (hear) this once it's done (if you do it)? Particularly those of us from parts afar of the UK?GrahamKennedy wrote:Whoa.
I just got an email off a UK television production company. They are researching a programme about Star Trek fans and want to talk to me...