On-line courses, duh A lot of schools have that nowadays for stuff they don't necessarily need to interact with an instructer on, like math, programming, ect. It would be unrealistic to assume that something that is available now isn't available in a few hundred years.
There's a rather large difference between learning computer programming and enlisting in the air force.
While Trek may have such methods for educational purposes, Starfleet is unlikely to have them. Indeed, there has been no mention of them and all officers we've ever seen have attended the academy.
I think we can wait for Teoas' ruling on that.
Teaos has already given his ruling: you're not a captain. Ergo, you must find some other position as the ship will have a different captain.
Well, suck it up. I don't remember who it was but someone once said that a compromise is a solution neither side likes, but does agree on.
Except we're not agreeing.
I'd like to point out at this time that at least three people haven't signed in yet, that I noticed. To my knowledge, Teaos, Rochey, and Thorin haven't posted their bios yet.
I'll get mine up later. I'm still thinking about what my character was doing in the ten year interval.
By human standards. It's pure idiocy to assume that every species ages as slowly or quickly(depending on the species) as humans do. The Brikar for example don't reach adulthood until around 40. Hermats have an average life expectancy of only 40 years.
Even in canon species we've seen accelerated growth rates, such as Alexander Rozhenko and the Ocampa
Then just say that shi was fully mature at the age of 9 and did hir six months in the academy to get an NCO rank. Problem solved.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"