Exactly how were they arrogant?Arrogent, arrogent, arrogent...what did I ask?
No, they don't. Then again, reality never stopped Trek before.I'm no expert, but I don't think lasers do that kind of stuff
Which is still racism. Thanks for agreeing.That's just human nature.
For an advanced faction, humans in ENT aren't exactly that culturaly evolved. Nor do they seem to understand the concept of being diplomatic.
They willingly let the race die off. If a child died because its mother refused to feed it even when she knew it was hungry, would you say there would be nothing wrong with that?They didn't commit genocide, they just didn't give something to help a dying species.
Did the fact that they had the cure litteraly in their hand sail right over your head?Why should they be expected to do charity work for every dying race they come across?
Handing it over to them would have taken all of five seconds, and would have been highly beneficial to Earth in the long run.
No, it's called having writers that don't have a fracking clue what the character is like. If they had established that Archer was a hypocrite, then I'd buy that scene. They didn't. They made both scenes out like he was doing The Right Thing. No one even commented over how their Captain was doing something he earlier refused to allow happen.I'd say that's a flaw. Along the lines of "Do as I say not as I do."