Star Trek Sovereign

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Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Star Trek: Sovereign
It takes place in 2385 onboard the USS Sovereign NCC-73811. Basically, the USS crew make first contact with the Kremlin(who are religious wackjobs) and the Krmelin begin a war aginst the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. It's got quite a bit of humor also. And yes, I did make this.
Here are the characters, both regular and reccuring:

Good Guys
Main Characters
Cpt. Jack Gore: Born and raised in Vancouver. He's a Federation Captain who is never formal and usually eccentric. He was in command of the Bellerophon and the Dauntless prior to his post on the Sovereign. In Starfleet Academy, he had a brief relationship with Dr. Rosake. His favorit holo program is the X-303 Prometheus. He's also a veteran of the Dominion War who took part in Operation Return and the Chin'toka Advance. He also converted 1 of the Sovereign's cargo bays into a brewery and storage for beer and wine.

Cmdr. Saffi Ingrid Larsen: Born on Goddard Moon Colony, She's a by the book person who doesn't really like nonstandard procedures. An Avid fan of Stargate SG-1, she has all 388 seasons of it. She graduated top of her class in Starfleet Academy.

Lt. Cmdr. Solian Jarso Brex: typical workaholic. He has several years worth of shore leave. His home is on Bolarus in a rural town. His hobbies are work and more work. His service record is full of commendations, reccomendations, and great reviews because of his workaholicness.

Ensign Kiska LoMar: Typical Bajoran starfleet personnel. She gruadated class of 2384. Unlike most Bajorans, she like Klingon opera and Romulan Ale. She won 3 kick boxing tournaments during her academy years. She also helped Quark buy a D'Kora Class ship in 2379.

Lt. Felix Savali: Born on Samoa, he graduated 5th in his class. He is usually silent and often does simulations on the holodeck to keep his skills as tactical officer sharp. His hobbies are skeet and trap shooting, reading, and blowing up stuffed animals with M80. He also served on a Klingon ship for 1 year. He hit it off pretty well- Being challenged to Bat'leth combat and even being asked to marry a Klingon.

Dr. Hailey Rosake: Born in Colorado Springs. She is the USS Sovereign's CMO and is more competent than most other doctors in Starfleet. She is an expert at making all sorts of alchoholic beverages. Her hobbies are skiing, biking, photoshop, and playing Star Trek Bridge Commander. She was in a brief relationship with Cpt. Gore in Starfleet Academy.

Lt. Cmdr. Miguel Pedro Diaz: Born in Sanora, Mexico. His hobbies are gardening, forums, and playing the electric guitar. He also helped improve the sensors system of the Nova Class. Lt. Cmdr. Diaz also frequently uses sexual innuendo in everything he says. He has had some problems with Klingons in his family history. He was one of the few humans to ever graduate from the Vulcan Academy of Science.
Korbus: Klingon house leader who is an old friend of Cpt. Gore's. His house flagship is a Qang-Class Battlecruiser named the IKS Jon'Ka. He is Martok's Chief of Staff and presides over a fleet of 24 Klingon Ships belonging to his house.

Cmdr. S'Rat: Romulan commander who usually is seen patrolling the Maelstrom for whatever reason. She commands the IRW Zerix, a Kerchan-class Dreadnaught. She sometimes helps the Sovereign when her interests are stake. She assisted Sela's ascension to Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire.

Tomalak: Ambassador to the Federation. Like Sela, he got his position in 2379 after Shinzon was killed. He and Sela both gave Cmdr. S'Rat a command of her personal choosing.

Adml. Alice Liu: Head of the 12th. She was in charge of stopping Starbase 12 from crashing into Earth after it had been launched into warp by the Dominion. Her current rank is Rear Admiral.

Cpt. Robert Wright: Current Cpt. of the USS Dauntless(NCC-71879). He lost his daughter when the Vesuvi sun went supernova. He was quite a revered captain who also had a box of donuts in a desk drawer at all times.

Cpt. John McCray: Captain of the Akira Class USS Geronimo. He usually assists the Sovereign when they're in deep Sh*t. He isn't above pulling practical jokes on his own crew. He is quite competent in many respects.

Lt. Cmdr. Reginald Barclay: Chief Engineer of the Intrepid Class USS A-Team(It has the exact same paint scheme as BA's van along with a Captain's Yacht called Hannible). He is usually involved with trying to create a successful Quantum Slipstream Drive that doesn't fail or go awry.

Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard: After Nemesis, Picard took a 6 week vacation and resumed duty after the Enterprise E was repaired and upgraded. After Worf became captain, Picard's new XO was Cmdr. Martin Madden of the USS Hemmingway. Picard and the entire crew manage to escape the destruction of the Enterprise E and are later transferred to the Excalibur Class Enterprise F.

Cpt. Worf: Worf was ambassador to the Klingon Empire from 2375-2379 when Adml. William Ross gave him his old job of tactical officer and rank of Lt. Cmdr. After Nemesis, Worf was made 1st officer of the Enterprise E. Worf was promoted to Captain in 2383 after being first officer on the Enterprise E for 4 years. He commands the Defiant Class USS Avenger NCC-74989. He also has Data's cat spot with him.

Cmdr. Sito Jaxa: She was released after the Dominion War. The Cardassians captured her in the 2360s and she was tortured. She was released along with several prisoners including Tom Riker. She currently serves as the XO of the USS Pheonix.

Cpt. Ben Maxwell: During the Dominion War, he was reinstated on the USS Pheonix. After the war, he was pardoned because his foreshadowing of the Dominion War was true and because he destroyed many Dominion ships. He still commands the Pheonix.

Cpt. Christine Vale: CO of the USS Titan after Riker defected to the Kremlin. She was part of Starfleet special forces and teactical officer of the USS Enterprise E from 2375-2379. She is on vacation during the events of Star Trek: Nemesis.

Bad Guys
Pascal Fullerton: Hapless preacher who hates the Federation for whatever reason. He has the same plastic chest as Khan Noonien Singh. He wants to destroy the Sovereign because of his being beaten by Cpt. Gore. He is willing to sacrifice his own crew to save his own ass. Better villain than Khan will always be. He first appeared in the DS9 episode "Let He Who Is Without Sin...". He has a modified Constellation Class ship.

Leonard H. McCoy: Evil ruler of the Kremlin. His command ship is a Kremiln Super Battleship. He is a right wing Christian Fundamentalist nutjob who hate the Federation for not being a theocracy. He's evil because he was accidentally run over by a flying semi truck(which was travelling at a speed of 220kph).

Chuck Norris: High Ranking Kremlin Admiral who gets killed by High Emperor McCoy I for entertainment.

William T. Riker: Kremlin Chief of Staff, who destroed the Enterprise E. He was sent to the brig for trafficking Ferengi porn, starship schematics, and illegal drugs to the Kremlin. He escaped in a shuttle equipped with a Romulan cloaking device he stole. He's no longer married to Deanna Troi.

Gul Oben: Cardassian Captain who wants revenge against Cpt. Gore and General Korbus for being left to die on Seltris IX. He has a scar running down the right side of his face.

Legate Matan: Cardassian politician who wants war against the Federation and an allaince with the Kremlin. He has a Kulinor class Battleship. He relies on advanced cybernetics to keep himself alive.

Khan Noonien Singh: Yes, he reappears, after Genesis goes bye bye. He and his crew aboard the Miranda Class USS Reliant want revenge against James T. Kirk who is supposedly dead. He get killed by Cmdr. S'Rat aound the planet Vusuvi VI.

ISS Sovereign Crew(Mirror Universe): These people are evil versions of the crew of the USS Sovereign. They came together under the least likely circumstances and stole Spacedock from the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. They then built the ISS Sovereign and several other ships using stolen blueprints of the Intrepid, Prometheus, Galaxy, Nebula, Akira, and Ambassador Classes. They eventually met up with the Terran Rebellion led by Smiley O'Brien. The combining of forces between the two rebellions later defeated the Alliance in under 10 years.

I'll start adding episodes tomorrow. Tell me what you think.
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Post by JudgeKing »

Star Trek: Sovereign First Chapter

"Are we there yet Lt Cmdr. Perim?. I can't wait to start my new command.", said Cpt. Jack Gore. "No, we'll be there in 30 seconds", replied Lt. Cmdr. Kell Perim. The USS Dauntless then dropped out of warp several kilometers from the drydock where Cpt. Gore's new command was. "All right then, I'm bad with speeches. In my 9 years in command of the USS Dauntless NCC-71879, we have visited hundreds of worlds, fought countless battles, and even thrown a few parties while we were at it. In my new command, I'll won't forget any of the contributions you made during my command. I expect that you'll all be will be just as productive under your new captain as you have under me. Thank you", said Cpt. Gore. Cpt. Gore then went to his quarters pack his stuff up for transport to the USS Sovereign NCC-73811.

After Gore packed his stuff. He went to Transporter Room 2 to beam off to the Sovereign. "1 to beam up", said Cpt. Gore. On the Sovereign, Cpt. Gore said, "Finally, after 14 years I'm back on the ship I had a hand in designing". Gore first went to his quarters to unpack his belongings. In his quarters, he that the freezer had been properly installed. He then put everything where it was supposed to be put. He then went to sickbay to deliver his medical files to the CMO. When he got to sickbay, he saw that the CMO was a familiar face. "Long time, no see". Dr. Hailey Rosake turned and replied, "Hi Jack, long time, no see indeed. I'm quite suprised we're even serving on the same ship at all. Anyways, why are you in sickbay?" "Here are my medical files. Anyways, how have you been doing?", replied Cpt. Gore. "I've been doing quite fine. I'm currently at the Rank of Commander am and CMO of a top of the line starship", replied Dr. Rosake. "Well, I'll be off to the bridge. I musn't keep the bridge crew waiting on me.

Cpt. Gore then went to the bridge. On the way, he met his redshirt unit, Ensign Plot D. Redshirt on the turbolift. When he got arrived on the bridge, there was a smoldering pile of ash where Ensign Redshirt was. "Reporting for duty sir", said Ensign Redshirt. "I just killed you on the turbolift", said Cpt. Gore in a somewhat puzzled manner. "Redshirts are a nonsentient cybernetic organism designed to protect the senior staff from invaders", said Lt. Cmdr. Brex. "Ah, thanks for telling me about that. On different note, what are your names?", said Cpt. Gore. "Hello, I'm Commander Saffi Ingrid Larsen, your 2IC", said Saffi. "I'm Lt. Cmdr. Solian Jarso Brex, your chief engineer", said Brex. "I'm Lt. Cmdr. Miguel Pedro Diaz, your science officer", said Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. "I am Lt. Felix Savali. I am the tactical officer of this ship", said lt. Savali. "Hi, I'm Ensign Kiska LoMar, the flight controll officer", said Kiska. "I'm Ensign Plot Device Redshirt, your model 4 redshirt unit", said Ensign Redshirt.

"Good, lets head out now at 1/4 impulse. When we get out of drydock, Warp 9.9 to Biranu Station. We have to pick some supplies for the Vesuvi 4 colony as well as Adml. Silak", said Cpt. Gore. "Aye captain, one-quarter impulse out of drydock. We've cleared drydock, now Warp 9.9 to Biranu station. The Sovereign then warped to Biranu station. Brex then went to the holodeck to make it not malfunction at all. A several hours later, they arrived at Biranu station and picked the Admiral and supplies. "Warp 9.99 to Vesuvi 4", we can't keep those colonist waiting for supplies", said Admiral Silak. "The Sovereign then warped to Vesuvi 4. It then got there and sent the supplies via transporter. Then the Vesuvi sun exploded. The planet was insantly destroyed, but the Sovereign managed to escape in time. "Let's head back to Starbase 12, we need to tell Adml. Liu what just happened", said Cpt. Gore. The Sovereign then changed course and headed for Starbase 12. When they got there, they immediately hailed Adml. Liu and informed her of the saituation.

"So, what you're saying is that someone has been busy blowing up suns all over the sector where there are Federation Colonies. Whoever or whatever is doing this must be stopped, but we've got several assignments for your ship and crew. First, you must transport the new Romulan praetor back to Romulus. He escaped in a shuttle and promptly ran away. He not very stable and has bipolar mania, be sure to put him in stasis". said Adml. Liu. "Alright then, we'll be off", replied Cpt. Gore. Gore then beamed back to the USS Sovereign. They then set off to find the Romulan Praetor. "Sir, chances are that he's cloaked the ship. We wouldn't be able to find it in any reasonable amount of time...Oh, we found a concentrated source of neutrino emissions", said Diaz. "Kiska, full impuse. Mr. Savali, target the Praetor's shuttle and fire a low power phaser blast.", ordered Cpt. Gore. "Sir, it's decloaking and firing", said Lt. Savali. "Disable it", ordered Gore. The Sovereign then fired at the shuttle accidentally hitting the AntiMatter containment field causing the shuttle to suffer a warp core breach.

"Oh dear, lets say that the shuttle self-destructed while we tractor beaming into our shuttle bay", said Lt. Cmdr. Brex. "Good idea Brex", responded Cpt. Gore. "Sir, we have incoming comunications from Deep Space Nine. The Borg are headed there and will arrive in 28 hours. We can make it there in 14 hours. The Defiant, Prometheus, Voyager, and Venture", said Ensign Kiska. "Good, maximum warp", replied Cpt. Gore. Cmdr. Larsen responded, "Sir, we can't expect to go win against the Borg with this small task force". "You don't build a ship designed to fight the Borg if you don't think it will have a reaqsonable chance of coming out alive and victorius. Our small task force has several anti-Borg ships as well as Voyager", said Cpt. Gore. When the Sovereign got to DS9, they began waiting for the Borg to arrive. Hours later the Borg arrived. "Voyager, fire 2 Transphasic Torpedoes", ordered Gore. Voyager fired 2 Transphasic Torpedoes and blew up the Borg Cube. "Talk about a long. I'm going to bed, everyone now has time off for 3 days", said Gore. Everyone cheered at that order.
Last edited by JudgeKing on Sun May 11, 2008 6:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Chapter 2
The Sovereign is headed for the Maelstrom to examine the type of weapons used to destroy the Vesuvi sun. When they get there, there are attacked by 3 Cardassian Hutets. A battle ensues and the sensors are offline. The Sovereign manages to destroy 2 of the Hutets, but the 3rd escapes. A fews hours later the sensor are repaired and online. They scan the remnants of the system and discover that the star was blown up subspace and temporal weapons. A few minutes after the treknobabble is done, they head to Sector 6789 on orders to seach for Battlegroup Sigma (USS Endeavor, USS Sagan, USS Hawk A, USS Kamikazi, and USS Defiant). When they get there, they see the Battlegroup badly damaged. The crew looks in horror as they see one of the finest Starfleet battlegroups brought to its knees. Lt. Cmdr. Savali theen says, "Captain, 6 ships have just appeared on our sensors. Going to Red Alert, powering shields, weapons, and sensors". Ensign LoMar responds, "These are ships that took out 6 ships, are we going to make a difference?" Capt. Gore responded, "I don't know, but we might consider that we can launch Ensign Redshirt at their ships and kill their nameless crew". The unknown vessels then fire upon the Sovereign damging dorsal and foreward shields down to 32% a few minutes into the battle. They then launch Ensign Redshirt at the enemy vessels killing the 6 ships' crews instantly. A few hours later, they scan the database of the unknown ships and discover that they are known as the Kremlin. Just then, a Kremlin Battleship drops out of Warp and hails the Sovereign. The crew is suprised to see none other than Dr. McCoy leading the Kremlin vessel. "You shouldn't have disobeyed your god USS Sovereign. I am a fundamentalist Christian(think Randall Terry bad) who make racist jokes against Vulcan bloaks. I joined the Kremlin Theocratic Empire to use my beliefs to launch a crusade against the Alpha and Beta Quandrant powers because they(UFP,Klingons, Cardies, Romulans, etc...) are not my brand of religion". Capt. Gore responded, "You know you can't win aginst the entire Alpha and Beta Quadrants right?" McCoy said, " I have subspace and temporal weapons at my command, the ships that attacked you and Battlegroup Sigma didn't have the aforementioned weapons. We are preparing for our holy crusade against all secular, humanistic, and non-Christian powers". The USS Sovereign crew lowered hailing frequencies and retreated along with Battlegroup Sigma(which had been repairing themselves the whole time. Lt. Diaz then sent a subspace message to Starfleet Command about the situation. Capt. Gore is talking the Starfleet Command about the Kremlin threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Starfleet Command takes the tactical information very seriously even sending the Romulans out to the coordinates as stock cannonfodder so they don't have to lose any Federation ships.

When the Romulan scout ship arrives, it only transmits a few minutes of data before being swallowed up by a subspace tear(which is caused by isolitic subspace weapons. Stupidly enough, Ensign Redshirt's brother: Lt. Stock Cannon Fodder volunteer to go into Kremlin space for a suicide mission because he's smashed due to his opium addiction. Starfleet Command approves of Lt. Cannonfodder's proposal. SFC then dissmisses Capt. Gore and puts the Kremlin threat above the Borg on their list of threats to the Federation. The USS Sovereign then recieves a distress call from the Enterprise E. They head to it at Warp 9.99 to get there in time. When they arrive they, see the Enterprise E being attacked by a Kremlin ship. Lt. Cmdr. Diaz detects a Warp Core Breach about to occur on the Enterprise and beams the 1701-E's crew out in time. The Enterprise E explodes. The Sovereign then escapes only to be followed by the Kremlin ship. They hail the Kremlin ship and see none other than...Wesley Crusher, Chuck Norris, Matt Damon, and Willam T. Riker onboard piloting the ship. The Sovereign crew then fires 3 photon torpedoes at the Kremlin ship after learning that the Kremlin have to lower their shields in order to go into Warp. The Kremlin ship explodes...while behind the explosion, a Kremlin shuttle heads back to the Kremlin homeworld. Back at Earth, The Sovereign crew salutes the Enterprise E crew when they learn that the Enterprise F is given to Picard as his new ship. Picard is overjoyed about being given the 2nd Excalibur class vessel. The Episode ends with a 240 phaser rifle salute.
Last edited by JudgeKing on Sun May 11, 2008 6:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Aaron »

May want to invest in some paragraphs dude. I'd like to read it too, A SF officer who is a Canadian and not a traitor like Eddington? Sounds good to me.
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Post by JudgeKing »

You're right, I should invest in paragraphs.
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Chapter 3

Capt. Gore and the Sovereign crew are headed to Starbase 12 to rendyvouz with Battlegroup Epsilon. A Federation deep space sensor network had detected a Borg fleet headed to the Maelstrom and set up a transwarp hub. "Captain, you do realize there is no garuntee that we'll be able to stop the Borg even with 25 other ships", said Cmdr. Larson. Capt. Gore responded, " We have more quantum torpedoes, more Type XII Phasers, and our shields were upgraded to handle 50% more firepower than prior to the upgrades; that's 8,606,250 TeraJoules. We're ready to handle most threats". The Sovereign then arrived at Starbase 12 and joined Battlegroup Epsilon. Adml. Liu said, "Greetings, we have Battlegroups Sigma, Theta, and Omega also headed to Starbase 12, We should then have a fleet of 68 starships to take on the Borg fleet. That should be enough to defend the Maelstro. The Romulans and Klingons are also headed here to defend the Quadrant". Capt. Gore answered, " Good, that should give us a greater fighting force to stop the Borg". 5 minutes later, Battlegroups Sigma, Theta, and Omega arrived at with Battlegroup Epsilon. The Borg fleet then arrived. "We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Lower your shields and surrender your ship. We will assimilate you. Your culture will adapt to service us". Lt. Savali said, " There are 2 Tactical Cubes, 5 Pyramids, 1 Diamond, 10 Obelisks, 22 Rectangles, and 3 Cubes". "Alright then, he we go". To be Continued
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Post by JudgeKing »

Chapter 4
"Alright then fire all weapons at the Borg fleet", said Capt. Gore. The fleet then started firing weapons at the Borg. The Borg also fired back. The battle was intense. Quantum torps missing their targets and accidentally hitting other ships. There was friendly fire and intended fire. Borg ships were exploding and so were Federation. The USS Brittain rammed a Tactical Cube and caused significant damage. Other ships also collided with one another as they turned death into a kamikaze strike. "Captain, shields are down to 54%", said Lt. Savali. Lots of ships were exploding, some even colliding with each other. Just then 5 Negh'var class battleships dropped out of Warp and started firing at the Borg fleet. The Sovereign then beamed a quantum torp into the Borg Diamond and destroyed it. "Sir 5 Miranda Class ships have just spontaneously exploded and I don't care", yelled Kiska. 5 hours later the Borg fleet was destroyed, but only with heavy causualties to the Federation fleet. Capt. Gore sighed and pointed out, " That was a battle. Let's head to Starbase 12 for repairs". Kiska said, "Yes, Warp 9.9 to Starbase 12."
several days later...
The USS Sovereign is patrolling the Gamma Erandi Nebula for any possible Kremlin activity. On the bridge, Saffi(1st officer) is serving alcholoic beverages to the bridge for the success of repelling the Borg invasion earlier that month. Just then, subspace distortion occurred an a Sovereign class vesel appeared. The bridge crew manned their stations, and hailed the vessel. "Greetings, this is Capt. Jack Gore of the USS Sovereign. Are you in of any help?" The other other vessel replied, "This is Capt. Jack Gore of the ISS Sovereign, surrender your ship or prepare to be executed. Long Live the 2nd Terran Empire!!!" Capt. Gore responded, "2nd Terran Empire, what's that?" Regent Gore answered, "The Terran Empire is a power that rules over an area of 15000 cubic LY. We glorify war and destroy all opposition. Back in 2376, we created a Sovereign class starship and modified it to be a dreadnaught. Our ship is more powerful then yours, give up." Capt. Gore responded, " The answer" Lt. Savali then said, "Sir, they are powering up their weapons and shields". The USS Sovereign then went to red alert and fired its phasers and photon torpedoes at the mirror Sovereign. "Sir, their shields are at 92% after that bombardment". The ISS Sovereign then fired its weapons at the Sovereign to a much greater result. "Sir, our shields are down to 76%." Both ships were firing at each other. "Sir, dorsal shields are down to 5%". "let's get the hell out of dodge". Capt. Gore ordered, "Alright then, Warp 9.99 to the nearest Starbase". The USS Sovereign then fled the area to get to Starbase 007. The ISS Sovereign quickly followed and caught up. Lt. Savali said, "Captain, there is a weakness in their shields I can exploit, all I have to do is use some technobabble solution and fire off a few of our tri-colbalt devices at them". Lt. Savali then did just that and the ISS Sovereign exploded. The USS Sovereign then arrived at Starbase 007 for repairs. "Considering we have just caused a posssible war against the Terran Empire, I say we did well today," said Saffi in her 1st officers personal log.
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Re: Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Chapter 5
The USS Sovereign is in orbit around Risa where the crew is ordered to take a vacation while Scotty and Starfleet Corps of Engineers refit the Sovereign with better technology(weapons, shields, sensors, LCARS, etc...). "Alright then, we only have 2 weeks shore leave and...where's Lt. Cmdr. Brex?", asked Capt. Gore. Ensign Kiska answered, "He's probably still on the ship helping with the upgrades". "Lt. Cmdr. Brex, please take your shore leave, it was an order from Adml. Liu", said Capt. Gore over the communicator. Lt. Cmdr. Brex promptly beamed down in vacation atire. The crew then split up to go find their rooms in the resort. On his way to his hotel room, Capt. Gore heard someone preaching about how Risa makes the Federation weak and powerless. "Why the hell are you insulting the Federation? I'm captain of the USS Sovereign. Hey wait a minute, I know you, you're Pascal Fullerton, the ******* who attempted to sabotage Risa.", said Capt. Gore. Pascal Fullerton said, "USS Sovereign, sounds like weak piece of crap". Capt. Gore then gave him a savage beating using a wooden plank with a rusty nail in it. "That'll teach you to insult my starship". Saffi went with Kiska to the nearest beach for a sun tan. Brex was at his hotel room trying to relax while not working. Savali was reading manga. Diaz was at a Risan restraunt eating some Risan food. Capt. Gore was getting a horga'hn to place in his ready room. 2 weeks later, the Sovereign was ready to test its newest systems in a live fire trial against a few Miranda Class Ships. "Capt. Scott, what is the new weapons system you mentioned to me?" Scotty answered, "Quantum Phasers, it applies the Zero Point Energy of the Quantum Torpedo and the efficiency of phaser arrays to be very powerful". "Hey, anybody seen Ensign Redshirt and Lt. Cannonfodder by any chance?" Meanwhile on the USS Fullerton, Pascal Fullerton ordered his Christian Fundamentalist crew to fire on the Sovereign. Back on the Sovereign, The Quantum Phasers were being tested against Miranda class ships. Many ships were disabled in 1-2 shots. Pascal Fullerton meanwhile contacted the Kremlin and attacked the Sovereign. "Sir, one ship attacking us, it's Constellation Class. Sir, it's retreating." "Okay then the new system work better than expected. Scotty you're cleared to leave the USS Sovereign". Scotty and his team of engineers left the Sovereign and went back to the Starfleet Engineering Corps HQ via the Prometheus class USS Edinburgh. "Alright then, lets head to back to Sector 6789", said Capt. Gore.
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Re: Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Chapter 6
The USS Sovereign is headed to Kremlin space on a very important mission to the Maltia System. "Finally, something important for us to do. Let's see, we have to destroy some targets that give the Kremlin their incredible ship building rate: A shipyard, mining facility, Sensor post, Starbase, and some turrets...ah yes and a Long Lange Weapons Platform", said Capt. Gore. Saffi commented, "Sir the USS Prometheus, USS Cerberus, USS Asgard, and USS Horizon with for this mission". The USS Sovereign then dropped out of Warp 1.246 Light years from the target location to wait for the other ships. 22 minutes later the fleet got to the Sovereign. "Alright then, here's the plan: We rush in guns blazing and fire at everything we can hit", said Capt. Gore. The fleet then warped into the system, weapons charged and everything firing at the Mining Facility first. The turrets then started firing at the the fleet damaging them. The Mining Facility then exploded. They then focused on the turrets and destroyed them relatively easily. The fleet targetted the Starbase right afterwords. The starbase the fired a volley of temporal warheads at the USS Horizon seriously crippling it. It then crippled the USS Asgard. Finally, the starbase was destroyed. The 3 remaining ships then fired at the Weapons platfrom destroying it. After a few hours of repairs, the prepared to head back to Federation space, only tp encounter 5 Kremlin Battleships. "Surrender and prepare for destruction", said Wesley Crusher. "Sorry, I can't do that because we have to back to Federation space, said Capt. Gore. The USS Sovereign then fired all 24 of its Tri-Cobalt Devices disabled the Kremlin. The fleet the retreated back to Federation space.

several days later...

It begins with the doing what they like: Saffi is watching Stargate SG-1's 388th season; Felix is on the Sovereign's shooting range. Kiska's in her quarters sleeping, Brex is doing work in engineering, Miguel's tending to his potted plants, Dr. Rosake is bathing in the hot tub in her quarters. Capt. Gore is in his ready room eating glazed donuts. Ensign Redshirt is watching cheap cartoons in his quarters(Deck 13 Room 666). The USS Sovereign is at Starbase 12 getting resupplied with torpedoes, donuts, Type 2 & 3 Phasers, Isomagnetic Disintegrators, antimatter, crew, and spare bionueral gel packs. It is also having an Emergency Medical Crew Hologram installed to provide extra medical support needed situations. 8 hours later, the USS Sovereign is restocked and ready to go. "Alright then, this is your Captain speaking. We are ready to depart", said Capt. Gore. The crew mans their stations and leaves Starbase 12. "Captain, what is our assignment", asked Cmdr. Larson. "Our mission is to go into the Maelstrom and do standard research". Lt. Cmdr. Diaz gleamed with enthusiam at the mission. "This is one mission I really will enjoy", said Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. Ensign Kiska reminded him, "You do realize that the Maelstrom has black holes, intolerable amounts of radiation, quantum destabilization, spatial anomolies, and subspace tears right?" Miguel responded, "Exactly why I'm looking forward to this mission anymore". When they arrived, the sensors detected a large number of Cardassian warships exiting the Maelstrom. "This is Matan of the Cardassian House Arturius. We demand that you leave this area of face the destruction of your vessel". "Why the hell do you care about the Maelstrom, it's an inhospitable area anyways, said Capt. Gore. "It would be a very good place to construct a fleet of warships to attack the Federation with against orders from the Cardassian Government". The Cardassian warships then powered up their shields and weapons. To be continued.
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Re: Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Stardate 62533.47 (July 14, 2385; 8:00:01 PM)
The Cardassian ships were powering up their weapons. "Alright then, power up our shields and weapons also", said Capt. Gore. "Weapons and shields are at maximum", responded Lt. Savali. The ships then started firing and doing all the things necessary for combat. "Sir, shields are down to 83%. Enemy shields are also going down", said Felix(Lt. Savali). One Cardassian ship exploded. "Sir, sensors have detected a Type 5 Quantum singularity headed this way, it'll be here in 5 minutes", said Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. "Get us the hell out of the way, Warp 9.99 to Geki Colony", ordered Capt. Gore. "Yes sir", answered Ensign Kiska. The Sovereign warped away just as the black hole passed through the area getting all but one Cardassian ship. "Sir, the black hole is heading to the Bajoran wormhole at a speed of Warp 9.6", said Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. "Tell them to get out of the way", said Capt. Gore. Diaz promptly told DS9. Meanwhile at DS9, Sisko appeared at Ops. Everyone at DS9 was cheering and having a reunion until Sisko said, "Damn Prophets, they were in league withe KKK the whole time and I never realized until now". Col. Kira said, "Capt. Sisko, we're moving DS9 to avoid a black hole headed on a direct course into the wormhole at Warp 9.6". Sisko's eyes bulged and he said, "Those prophets are so totally screwed. Now, I can have my revenge, mwahahahahah!!!!". Back on the Sovereign, everybody had a sigh of relief. "Okay then, we need to stop getting into so many battles. I'll ask Starfleet Command for some easier assignments that are in peaceful areas", said Capt. Gore. Cmdr. Larsen then said, "Good idea, we could use a little less combat". Brex said, "At least we aren't ordered to study that black hole heading for the Bajoran Wormhole". "Alright, everybody lets take a break from this disturbing series of events", said Capt. Gore. The Sovereign then headed to Starbase 12 to debrief the events that had occurred. In Capt. Gore's quarters, he was eating dinner with Dr, Rosake. Saffi(Cmdr. Larsen) was talking to her sister on Mars colony. Kiska was looking through the aft security camera and saw another Sovereign class ship appear out of nowhere. "Um, Captain, they're back". Capt. Gore responded, "Who's back, the Kremlin, Riker, the Cardassians, the Dominion, Pascal Fullerton and his idiot henchmen, who". "Our mirror universe selves", replied Ensign Kiska. The bridge crew went to the bridge and Capt. Gore answered, "Why do you have to appear right now of all times, I was eating jambalaya". Mirror Gore responded, "Because I wanted to see a black hole collide with a wormhole". "Well then, you have 10 hours to get there and see it", said Capt. Gore. The ISS Sovereign changed course and headed to Bajor. The USS Sovereign then arrived at Starbase 12 and they debriefed the the mission.

Stardate 62572.9 (July 29, 2385; 6:21:12 AM)
"Captain's Log, Stardate 62572.9: After being repaired at Starbase 12 for 15 days since we fought the renegade Cardassians, I thing they got their punishment after their fleet was destroyed by the black hole. We are headed back to the Maelstrom to study it, even though we should ee finding out where the Kremlin are located. I am also trying to figure out to give the USS Sovereign cloaking capability without having violating the Treaty of Algeron. I do have a theory, but I am still doing small scale simulations on a PADD. Back onto the current mission; Studying the Maelstrom. I wonder who else is exploring the Maelstrom. Currently, we've scanned a 3,000 Solar Mass Black Hole, 7 Class O and B stars, and 1 Supergiant that was having its mass sucked into a 42 Solar Mass black hole. Nothing new, now onto a new topic, what I did last night. Let me see, Dr. Rosake and I had a restless night, but I've been up for longer periods of time. I also had beef stew and some Samuel Adams Beer. That was about all that happened last night."
Captain Gore then got up and left his ready room and sat in his chair, the Mark VIII Captains chair had a personal replicator for making food and drinks. It also had a reclining function and seat belts. "Mr. Diaz, report on we've currently found since your last status report", asked Captain Gore. Miguel responded, "Well, we've found 2 planets that are on a collision course and will collide in 5 hours and." Gore interrupted, "Kiska, take us to those planets, Warp 9.99." "Aye sir, this will actually be interesting to see. It'll definitely make this boring mission, less boring", relpied Ensign Kiska. The USS Sovereign went to warp to what was called Object 42. "Uh sir, I never finished the list of objects we've found since yesterday", complained Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. Cpt. Gore responded, "Do I care anymore about you were going to say anymore?"
The USS Sovereign then dropped out of warp and within visual range to watch the planets collide. "On screen", ordered Cpt. Gore. The holographic viewscreen activited and the bridge crew watched the two planets collide.
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Re: Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Chapter 8

Stardate 62754.9 (October 3, 2385)
"Lt. Cmdr. Brex, I need you to help Lt. Savali construct 32 Phased Plasma Torpedoes", ordered Capt. Gore. "Um, why sir?", asked Brex. "That is classified technology". "Just do it!", said Gore. "Okay Captain", replied Brex. "Ensign Kiska, set a course for Starbase 12, maximum warp", ordered Cpt. Gore. "Aye Captain", replied Kiska. The Sovereign streaked off towards Starbase 12. Diaz was doing some scans for Kremlin ships in the area. 5 hours later, Brex reported, "Sir the 47 Phased Plasma Torpedoes are completed". "Your made 15 more than what was required, that's a good mark on your permanent record", answered Gore. Cpt. Gore went to his ready room and staring creating a program to fake a Warp Core Breach. 2 hours later, the Sovereign arrived at Starbase 12. "We're beginning docking sequence. THe Sovereign then docked with the starbase. Capt. Gore then activated the program. "Lt. Cmdr. Brex reported,"Captain, we have a warp core breech in 8 minutes, we have to evacuate the ship!" "I'll pilot the ship to get far enough away so that it explodes harmless, get everyone else outta here!", said Capt. Gore. Brex and the bridge crew evecuated the ship. 1 minute later the ship was completely empty except for Ct. Gore. "Computer, deactivate, Program Gore Alpha 5.", said Gore. Gore then plotted a course for the Kremlin homeworld. "Adml, the Sovereign, it's warped away. Gore played us for fools.", said Cpt. McCray. At Warp, Capt. Gore activated the cloaking device. "Computer, tell me, how many people are onboard the Sovereign at this time?", asked Capt. Gore. "1 human", answered the computer. "Good, no one beamed on while I was making my getaway", said Gore.

"Sir, we could intercept him with USS Onimaru, a recently refitted Galaxy Class Ship. It's capable of matching the Sovereign's current speed and intercepting it"," proposed Cpt. Donavan. Cdmr. Larsen commented, " Uh, the Sovereign is cloaked most likely, we aren't able to track it." 6 hours later, the Sovereign arrived at the Galaran wormhole. He then entered it and went to the center of the galaxy. The Sovereign went into orbit around the Kremlin homeworld. From the captains chair, Gore targetted several Kremlin cities and wiped them out using quantum torpedoes. He then beamed into the building where the Kremlin and the Fedferation officials were signing terms of surrender for the Federation. He killed them all and proceded back to the Sovereign . He then fired at the Kremlin homeworld with phasers, photon torpedoes, and quantum torpedoes.. Soon, the entire Kremlin homeworld was a molten landscape. Then, the Fullerton arrived and started firing on Cpt.Gore. Gore responded by disabling Fullerton's ship and leaving it to die from Kremlin forces. 12000 Kremlin ships then started heading to the planet. Cpt. Gore cloaked the Sovereign and retreated through the wormhole. On the othjer side, he saw a fleet composed of all of the ships stationed at Starbase 12 preparing to fire. He decloaked and sent them all information. 5 days later, Capt. Gore sent Section 31 the report on the mission.

-The Fullerton is Pascal Fullerton's Constellation-class ship that he bought to take him places like to risa or where ever he wants to go.
-Pascal is the same fundie who sabotaged the Risan weather modification network on the DS9 episode: "Let He Who Is Without Sin". He is now captain Gore's archnemesis. For those who don't know why Fullerton is Gore's nemesis, please see chapter Five.
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Re: Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Star Trek Sovereign Chapter 9

Stardate 62766.4 (October 8, 2385, 2:03:27)
"Dammit, fire phasers at the Sovereign, now you idiots!", ordered Pascal Fullerton. One of his aides responded, "Sir, the Sovereign has cloaked and 12,000 Kremlin Warships have come out of the wormhole. We're royally screw...". Fullerton them beamed his in front of the Kremlin weapons fire and escaped in an escape pod. The Fullerton was then destroyed and Pascal Fullerton hid in the debris waiting for the right time to escape back to the Beta Quandrant. Back at Starbase 12, Cpt. Gore was severely reprimanded and commended for taking out the Kremlin homeworld. "How could you violate Starfleet Rules and commit genocide against an entire planet?", yelled Adml. Alice Liu. "Hey, I was trying to protect the Federation, Klingon Empire, and the rest of the major Alpha/Beta Quadrant powers from the Kremlin war machine! The whole point was to weaken the Kremlin by destroying their homeworld and infrastructure. it'll take them years to rebuild to their former status." replied Jack Gore. "Dismissed," said Adml. Liu. Cpt. Gore then beamed back to the USS Sovereign. "Dr. Rosake, please report my ready room", said Cpt. Gore. "Alright Cpt.", answered Dr. Rosake. She then took the shortest route to Cpt. Gore's ready room. "Alright Jack, what is it?", asked Dr. Rosake. "Well, I did get chewed out by Adml. Liu, but that isn't the problem. Have you remembered to increase Ensign Redshirt's arsenic and lead doses lately, he hasn't been himself lately. He's becoming competent, the one redshirts aren't aloud to be," asked Cpt. Gore. "Oh crap haven't increased the dosage yet, I'll get on it immediately, answered Dr. Rosake. "Oh yes and Hailey, meet me in the Beer Barn(the USS Sovereign's bar and grill) at 1900 hours tonight okay?", asked Cpt. Gore. "Alright sir," responded Dr. Rosake. She then went back to sickba and increased Ensign Redshirts's and Lt. Cannonfodder's dosage of arsenic and lead laden "energy drinks". "Alright, then Kiska, take us out, full impulse and then maximum warp to Biranu Station, we're picking up Cpt. Robert DeSoto for his retirement party." The Sovereign then left Starbase 12( a spacedock type Starbase) and headed off to Biranu Station. "Alright then crew, for Cpt. DeSoto's retirement party, we'll all be dresses in civilian clothing because Starfleet dress uniforms are uncomfortable", said Cp. Gore. "Uh, sir, they're required by Starfleet to be worn on all occasions by Starfleet regulations section 3, subsection 32, paragraph 18, sentence 9", said Cmdr. Larsen. "I'm the captain, and most of the crew want to wear civilian clothing to this party, so civilian clothing it is, got?", asked Cpt. Gore. "Yes, Captain", replied Saffi. "You're late by 1 minute 30 seconds, Jack", said Dr. Rosake. "Well it isn't that easy trying to get here through a crowded corridor you know", replied Cpt. Gore. "So what are you having for dinner?. I'm having Shrimp and Sausage Jambalaya and Romulan Ale, "said Cpt. Gore. "I'll have County Fried Steak with French Fries and some Klingon bloodwine", answered Dr. Rosake. They then ordered and got their meals in 45 minutes. "I really can't imagine a bar on any starship not having replicators", said Dr. Rosake. "Well, you know replicated food doesn't tast as good as actually prepared food", replied Cpt. Gore. They then ate, drank, and talked. "So want to do this again sometime?", asked dr. Rosake. "Sure, why not", replied Cpt. Gore. They then went to their quarters and went to sleep(the bridge crew is also asleep or doing whatever). 0700 hours next "morning" the bridge wake up with 30 minutes on their time to arrival to Biranu station(it's 110.473 Light Years away from Starbase 12). "All senior personal to transporter room 6", ordered Cpt. Gore. Everyone went to transporter room 6. Cpt. Robert DeSoto beamed onboard...into transporter room 1. Everyone then remembered it was TR1 they were supposed to be in. They then went to TR1 and greeted Robert DeSoto. 5 hours later, they held his retirement party.
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Re: Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Chapter 10
Stardate 62798.5 (Saturday, October 19, 2385) (10:01 PM)

"Adml. Kirk, where are you? I will destroy you!!", yelled Khan. "Declaok and fire a few Quantum Topedoes", said Cmdr, S'Rat. The Zerix decloaked and destroyed the newly reborn Reliant along with its crew. Back at Starbase 12, the Sovereign crew was restocking on Phased Plasma Torpedoes. "Alright then, have we recieved all of our PPTs yet?", asked Cpt. Gore. "Yes, Cpt. we are restocked on Phased Plasma Torpedoes", answered Lt. Savali. "Good, lets head to the V'Korth system, that's where the Klingons are building their outpost". We're due to deliver them some high yield Quantum Torpedoes", said Cpt. Gore. The Sovereign then left sarbase 12 and headed to the B'Moth system. Meanwhile, in the Terix system, the Romulans had built an outpost with a fleet to patrol and eliminate any intruders that found their outpost. "Cmdr. S'Rat, the Sovereign is heading this way. It'll begin passing through the system in 30 minutes". said Centurion Tureill. "Cloak the outpost and fleet. We can't be detected in this sector", said Cmdr. S'Rat. The Sovereign then went threw the system without stopping heading to the B'Moth system. The Sovereign arrived at the B'Moth system. "Korbus, long time since we last worked together", said Cpt. Gore. "Yes, far too long. Anyways, do you the Quantum Torpedoes we asked for", replied Korbus. "Yes, we have them, high yield starbase grade Quantum Torpedoes. 2500 of them no less", said Cpt. Gore. The Quantums were beamed to the Starbase. After some deliberation the issue of the placement of an iconic panel that did nothing but explode, the Sovereign left back to Starbase 12. On the way back, the Sovereign was told to report to Biranu Station for a top secret tactical meeting on the Kremlin.

Stardate 62810.3 (Thursday October 24, 2385 3:40 AM)
"Alright, then let's begin this meeting", said Cpt. Gore. The captains assembled around a long, rectangular table and listened to the briefing, "The Kremlin have been building up a large fleet of ships around their homeworld, Kremlus Alpha Super Omega Beta Gamma Delta Charlie Duper Aleron Prime 2. One of our scouts also saw the Kremlin taking a whole planet back to Sagittarius A. Sensor readings reported the many thousands of their ships were lost", said Adml. Liu. Cpt. "How can anyone move whole planets at warp with sustaining massive casualties", asked Cpt. Wright. "Never underestimate the ablities of the Kremlin. They always seem to be able to do stuff we won't do just because they want to", said Cpt. Gore. "Communications monitoring has revealed the consider a small sacrifice", said Adml. Liu. "Small, that a sacrifice as big as California. The Kremlin are crazy if they call 80,000 ships of their fleet wiped out by that stunt of theirs a small sacrifice, but that gives us an advantage. We can launch a first strike and do serious damage to them", said Cpt. Gore. Cpt. McCray responded, "wouldn't it be more subtle to just mine the inside of the wormhole with cloaked, self replicating tricobalt mines?". Korbus then replied, "How about both a first strike and mining the inside of the wormhole? That would definitely make it harder for them to get outside of the galactic core". "Yes that would be a good idea, all we need now is a large fleet to actually attack the Kremlin territory. We'd need help from the Romulans and Cardassians in order make our fleet large enough to invade. All ships would deploy the mines inside the wormhole when we're making our escape. The Kremlin would obviously chase us so we'll deploy them through our aft torpedo tubes as we're going through the wormhole. any Kremlin ships that make it through will be destroyed by turrets placed near the opening of the wormhole", said Cpt. Gore. Cpt. Worf responded, " That is an interesting plan, we should begin immediately". Adml. Liu then said, "Now to show the results of the analysis of their weapons. They use subspace and temporal weapons which means, we're going to have to make our shields resistant to their weapons. It'll be hard to come up with a solution, so we're having the SCE work here at Starbase 12 come up a defense against their weapons, mainly the chroniton torpedoes they carry". Cpt. Picard then asked, "How long would the preparation for this attack take?" Sisko replied, "about three to five weeks to get everything". "Alright then, if all things have been discussed. Let's get to work, "ordered Adml. Liu. The captains then left back to their ships to prepare. A war was brewing.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
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