Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

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Post by Reliant121 »

Difference is, I don't want guts or bravery. I want intelligence and maturity...sure it would be nice to go and cruise the universe but I couldn't live with the drawbacks...lack of family, friends...a secure home...things i desire.
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Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Reliant121 wrote:Difference is, I don't want guts or bravery. I want intelligence and maturity...sure it would be nice to go and cruise the universe but I couldn't live with the drawbacks...lack of family, friends...a secure home...things i desire.
Intelligence and Maturity are overrated. What's the point of growing up if you can't be childish once in a while?
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Post by Reliant121 »

ChakatBlackstar wrote:
Reliant121 wrote:Difference is, I don't want guts or bravery. I want intelligence and maturity...sure it would be nice to go and cruise the universe but I couldn't live with the drawbacks...lack of family, friends...a secure home...things i desire.
Intelligence and Maturity are overrated. What's the point of growing up if you can't be childish once in a while?
Once in a while fine is fine but a long trip in a blue box is a little different.
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I like my normal life. I like my friends, family and job. And like Seafort pointed out, it's a crapshoot if I'd end up back here in NH. And even just stepping out and taking a peek first is no guarantee.
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Post by Captain Seafort »

There's also the question of whether you'd even survive - Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Adric, Kamelion, wotsherface from the movie, Jack Harkness, K-9 III and Kylie Minogue's character have all been killed thanks to the Doctor's "adventures", and most of the others have had close shaves.
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Good point there, Seafort. Although I'd only count the ones who stayed dead, there.
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Post by Minnsky »

I have thought about this before acculy.
i would go.
the experience and knowledge that would be gained would be like no other.
I would be a helping hand in the universes workings.
I don think its a question of maturity. you can have maturity and still go. in all reality you should be mature couse you will see some STRANGE you will do some HARD things.
In the end i think its just worry about family and friends. i would just think of it as a work trip.
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by Monroe »

Hell yeah I'd go with the Doctor. I mean how could anyone say no to that? What was Martha thinking?
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by Aaron »

No. Whatever I get to see is going to pale in comparision to a long life with my wife and watching my children grow into adults and carry on the torch.
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Cpl Kendall wrote:No. Whatever I get to see is going to pale in comparision to a long life with my wife and watching my children grow into adults and carry on the torch.
Well you could save time by travelling to the future and looking your kids up in the history books
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by Aaron »

Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
Well you could save time by travelling to the future and looking your kids up in the history books
That's not even remotely comparable. Look up my kids or actually know my grandchildren...that's not even a realistic choice.
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by katefan »

I was under the impression Martha quit because she was developing feelings for The Doctor and knew they would not be reciprocated. And after that year of hell she and her family went through I would say that soured any sense of adventure she may have had. Who knows what sort of misery and terror she experienced in that time?

Would I go? Twenty years ago I would say "Hell yeah!" I did not have a condo, did not have cats, my life was very much open with a minimum of commitment. But now I would keep wondering if my cats were all right, did I turn the burner off before I left the condo, etc. I have become...domesticated...
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by Mikey »

I have to agree with Kendall on this one. It's not really "the adventure of a lifetime," it's rather "the adventure to avoid a life." I actually tried that a while back through the use of various recreational pharmaceuticals, and I prefer living my life rather than dodging it.

Besides, I can be just as smarmy and sarcastic as the Doctor, and I'd just end up punching him in the mouth sooner or later.
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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by Monroe »

katefan wrote:I was under the impression Martha quit because she was developing feelings for The Doctor and knew they would not be reciprocated. And after that year of hell she and her family went through I would say that soured any sense of adventure she may have had. Who knows what sort of misery and terror she experienced in that time?

Would I go? Twenty years ago I would say "Hell yeah!" I did not have a condo, did not have cats, my life was very much open with a minimum of commitment. But now I would keep wondering if my cats were all right, did I turn the burner off before I left the condo, etc. I have become...domesticated...

You would give up seeing the creation of the Universe or the death of Earth for a cat? I'll never understand pets :P

yeah I guess Martha left cause she liked the Doctor but she wasn't very mentally stable with relationships. I mean she expressed deep feelings for him immediately. She then moved on like as soon as she left cause she was engaged within a few months.
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

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Re: Would you go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Post by katefan »

You would give up seeing the creation of the Universe or the death of Earth for a cat? I'll never understand pets :P
No, I would give up seeing the creation of the Universe or the death of Earth for two cats. ;)


Rantan and Babooshka. Aren't they cuuuuuute!

You aren't meant to understand pets, you are meant to serve them.
yeah I guess Martha left cause she liked the Doctor but she wasn't very mentally stable with relationships. I mean she expressed deep feelings for him immediately. She then moved on like as soon as she left cause she was engaged within a few months.
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