Ship Class: NX/Enterprise-class, used interchangeably
Length: 278 meters long (150 meter long nacelles)
Width: 100 meters wide
Decks: 14
Armaments: 12 Mass Driver Cannons, six Laser Cannons, four nuclear torpedo tubes (24 missiles each)
Crew: 84 (12 Officers, 72 Crew), Evacuation Capacity 150, Marines or MACO contingent 24
Warp: cruising 4.5, max 5.9
Auxiliary Craft: Four Shuttlepods in Aft shuttlebay
Prologue: It is 2151, nearly 100 years after Zelfran Cochrane's historic Warp Flight, which drew the attention of a Vulcan Surveyor craft, letting humanity know they really weren't alone in the universe. In the resulting decades, the scars of the nuclear World War III were slowly healed, and humanity began, with the meager help from the Vulcans, to build a small space fleet of non-warp capable and low-warp capable ships. Humanity, through help from the Vulcans, also befriended and made First Contact with many other races, the Tellerites, the Andorians, and the Denovulans primarily.
These were 'slow' ships, the latest ship class before this date and Starfleet's Workhorse, the Intrepid-class, a 130 meter tube with a large ball primary hull and two warp nacelles attached. It has a maximum warp speed of 4.2, and is primarily used for defense with the older floating 'disks' with nacelles attached, the Fletcher-class, which barely get up to Warp 3.2. This is due to the aging technology of nuclear reactors.
Finally, in 2140, the first matter/antimatter reactor was finally perfected by Henry Archer. In the test ships, Warp 5.5 was finally turned out, enabling speeds for far out of the Sol System. For the next eleven years, a new ship, equipped with the latest weapons and technology, was built around the engine. Sadly, Henry died before he could see his ship finished, yet his son, Jonathan, who was chosen to be Captain of the new ship by Starfleet, watched over the final aspects of construction
Author's Notes:
I've wanted to do a Enterprise redux for a while. The general look of the ship is one saucer (almost looks like a Miranda or Constitution-class) connected to an engineering hull. There is no 'neck' connecting the Engineering Hull and the Primary Hull. The impulse engines are located on the tail end of the engineering section, as well as two ports on the aft side of the saucer section. Finally, the nacelles are higher not connected to the hull, they are about five meters higher above the engineering hull.
For the size, the justification is the new matter/antimatter warp core needs that much space.
Last edited by SuperSaiyaMan12 on Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:32 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Can you draw an image?/Do you know someone who can? I'm intrigued.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
While I work on the chapter, I want to fill everyone in on the types of ships and weapons the Humans, Vulcans, Romulans, Denovulans, Andorians, Tellarites and Klingons use.
Earth Starships:
Ship Class:Intrepid-class
Type: Cruiser/explorer
Length: 180 meters long
Width: 100 meters wide
Decks: 6
Armaments: 8 Mass Driver Cannons, 2 dual laser cannons, two missile tubes (12 nuclear missiles each)
Crew: 120 (10 officers, 110 crew)
Warp: Cruising-3.5; Max-4.5
Auxiliary Craft: Two Shuttlepods
Number of ships: 24 (ordered), 56 (launched and commissioned)
The Intrepid-class was the ''Constitution-class'' of their day. Launched in 2130, they were built for patrol over the colonies in the Solar System, combatting piracy from the Orion Syndicate, and defense and exploration, and for their size, they were heavily armed. Like all United Earth Ships, they were armed with mostly MAC (Mass Accelerator Cannons), a smaller number of high yield lasers, as well as a full compliment of nuclear weapons. They were also the first United Earth Starships with built in shield generators that could block low yeild particle and energy weapons. The shields were formed by creating a 'plasma net' around the ship's hull. The plasma was then charged, giving the Intrepid-class vessel a energy shield that could block most attacks.
With the outbreak of the Romulan War, the Intrepid-class ships were put into an even higher production than before. The original 24, four of which were lost, were reinforced by nearly 32 more ships of the same class. These ships helped build up an impressive battle fleet with the NX/Enterprise-class, the newer Daedlus-class, the Fletcher-class (which also recieved a production upgrade), and the new Independence-class cruisers, the Romulan aggressors were able to be beaten in the triumphant Battle of Algeron.
Through constant refits and upgrades, the Intrepid-class starships served through the entire 22nd Century, being refitted with new matter/antimatter reactors, replacing their nuclear reactors, as well as upgrading their shield net from simple plasma venting to a full on energy shield provided by generators, and their MAC guns slowly being replaced by more powerful laser weaponry...they served within the fleet until 2204, when the last ship of the class was retired.
Ship Class:Fletcher-class
Type: Destroyer
Length: 100 meters long
Width: 40 meters wide
Decks: 3
Armaments: 4 Mass Driver Cannons, 2 light plasma cannons, one missile tube (12 nuclear missiles)
Crew: 45 (10 officers, 35 crew)
Warp: Cruising-2.5; Max-4
Auxiliary Craft: none
Number of ships: 120 (ordered), 350 (commissioned)
The Fletcher-class Destroyer, named in honor of the legendary destroyers that the US Navy employed during World War II. These were small vessels, basically just a saucer section and two nacelles built onto the sides of the ship. They didn't even seperate engineering from the saucer section, like the Intrepid-class did, the NX/Enterprise-class, and the later Daedlus-class and the Independence-class cruisers. These small vessels, the first of which was launched in 2130, were used primarily for patrol and pirate duty. Unlike their larger contemporaries, all they had was heavy armor, no shields, to protect the crew from counter attacks, due to the plasma shielding system being too large for their small frame.
These small ships served in the United Earth Fleet, as well as the Federation's, until well into the 2190's. The last ship was retired in 2199.
Ship Class:J-class
Type: Bulk Freighter
Length: 340 meters long
Width: 100 meters wide
Decks: 12
Armaments: One Mass Driver, one dual Plasma Cannon
Crew: 12 (2 officers, 10 crew), 500,000 tons of cargo
Warp: Cruising-2.5; Max-4
Auxiliary Craft: none
Number of ships: 45 (initial), 335 (final)
The J-class Bulk Freighter is one of the few Warp Capable Freighter designs that Starfleet and the civilian population employees. It is capable of carrying 500,000 tons of cargo, and can easily be converted, due to its large size, into warp capable colony ships. Highly customizable, the type of armanents, propulsion, etc. can be upgraded, added on to, etc. to make it popular with many other races. The United Earth Shipyards has exported many of these vessels to other races, and for their popularity...they also become popular smuggling craft due to all their customability. On the far end of United Earth borders, it is quite common seeing a few stolen J-class Freighters in the hands of powerful crime syndicates, including the Orion Syndicate, the Nausican Coaliton, and the Red Sun.
The popularity of these ships has led them to be used well into the 2240's, perhaps even longer on Fringe Groups.
Ship Class:Washington-class
Type: Light Cruiser
Length: 120 meters long
Width: 90 meters wide
Decks: 5
Armaments: 6 Mass Driver Cannons, 3 dual plasma cannons, two missile launchers (24 nuclear missiles each)
Crew: 70 (10 officers, 60 crew), 100 evacuation limit
Warp: Cruising-3.5; Max 4.2
Auxiliary Craft: two shuttlepods
Number of ships: 60
The Washington-class Light Cruiser is an aging design despite having a high warp speed. Shaped like the Constega-class colony ships, but slightly larger, they were armed with six Mass Driver Cannons, three dual plasma cannons, and two missile launchers. First launched in the 2120's, the cruisers were used for border patrol, combatting pirates, as well as protecting newly founded colonies out of the Sol System. Yet this design has had a...questionable past. In 2132, the George W. Bush was caught in an interplanetary incident with the Tellarites. It had fired on a diplomatic cruiser, which the captain claimed was carrying illegal weapons through United Earth Space. Needless to say, the other powers widely condemed the attack, and the Bush's captain was forced to resign from Starfleet to escape the scandal.
Nevertheless, most of these ships served with distinction, until finally being retired in 2158, with the launch of the Daedlus-class Light Cruiser.
Ship Class:Independence-class
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 210 meters long
Width: 100 meters wide
Decks: 9
Armaments: 12 Mass Driver Cannons, 6 dual laser cannons, four missile/torpedo tubes (24 nuclear missiles/spatial torpedoes each)
Crew: 200 (30 officers, 170 crew); 300 evacuation limit
Warp: Cruising-4.5; Max-5.8
Auxiliary Craft: Six Shuttlepods
Number of ships: 36
The Independence-class Heavy Cruisers were build on the direct sucess of the NX/Enterprise-class. Launched in 2157, these powerful cruisers went to serve side by side with their larger NX-class bretheren. They had a wide primary hull, like their predecessor. Connecting to the primary hull was a neck, and a secondary engineering hull was below it, outlying a design that would be in later Federation starships. Capable of a Warp Factor of 5.8, these were the second fastest ships designed by Earth people.
Like the NX-class and Intrepid-class, the same 'plasma net' shield technology was used on these vessels. Yet it was much improved from their smaller breatheren, and had a 20% defensive ability increase compared to the shield on the NX-class. They were also armed with more improved laser cannons, the same number of mass drivers as the NX-class, and their missile tubes could carry the new spatial torpedoes, adding much more firepower.
These ships served from the 2150's all the way up to the late 2220's, when they were finally retired for better designs.
Vulcan Starships:
Ship Class:Surak-class
Type: Cruiser
Length: 309 meters long
Width: 72 meters wide
Decks: 11
Armaments: 2 Particle Cannons, 2 dual heavy Laser Cannons, 4 Photonic Torpedo Tubes (12 torpedoes each)
Crew: 175
Warp: Cruising-5.5; Max-6.5
Auxiliary Craft: Six Meditative-class shuttles
Number of ships: 450
One of the most powerful ships in the early Alpha Quadrant powers, the Surak-class was armed with the most advanced technology and equipment in the Vulcan Defense Fleet. Armed with advanced particle cannons, two dual heavy Laser Cannons, and 4 Photonic Torpedo Launchers, these 300 meter + ships outclassed most vessels they came up against. They even had an advanced energy shield for the time, to protect themselves from both kenetic and energy attacks from enemy vessels.
The Vulcans used these ships to deter Klingon Aggression in many sectors, as well as deter ambitious Andorians who were trying to break the peace treaty.
Last edited by SuperSaiyaMan12 on Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
Chapter 1: Outbound Flights Sol System, April 24th, 2151
Around the planet, called Earth, small ships and shuttles ferried people and supplies to and from a large building complex in orbit, as well as to the colonies in the system. J-class bulk freighters dropped out of warp from the outer colonies, bringing more supplies to the massive Warp Five complex that hovered around the planet. Also in orbit, like massive cones with internal rings, red Vulcan ships prepared to dock to inspect the new ship. In the past ninety years, humanity had pulled together since its first Warp Flight under Zelfran Cochrane. War, disease, famine all had been wiped out. Now mankind wished to truly go to the stars, like the Vulcans, Andorians, and other elder races.
Surak-class cruisers of the Vulcan Defense/Exploration Fleet flew over or near the Warp Five Complex. One of these vessels docked with the station, a umbilical attached to the hull, allowing the Vulcans to walk across to the complex. The entire complex was busy, the humans were loading up supplies onto the ship.
Several occasional flashes of light were seen from the windows. The Vulcans and workers could see that the ship was still being welded together. Only recently was the navigational deflector, an orange, satellite dish like device was installed onto the end of the engineering hull. Visible on the outer hull were the mass driver cannons. The cannons would swivel slightly, showing that they were done. There were ten MAC cannons on the primary hull, and two below the shuttle bay.
There were 'holes' near the bridge, three total, as well as on the bottom of the primary hull. These were the laser cannons, a relatively old/relatively new technology for starships. Lasers had, after all, been used on Earth for centuries. The first time they were used in combat was when an orbital fighter, the Morison, engaged an enemy orbital fighter from Russia in 2040. The laser used could only heat up the armor on the fighter, making a slight crack appear. When the enemy fighter reentered the atmosphere, the crack in the heat plating made it burn up in reentry.
Needless to say, laser technology had greatly improved in the past hundred years. Instead of merely heating the plating of a ship, they could literally melt through the hull or batter a shield down.
A man, human, walked out of a nearby turbolift to talk with the Vulcan party. He was Admiral Maxwell Forrest, head of the Warp Five project, as well as the former Captain of the UES Intrepid, the first Warp 4 capable Starship.
Last edited by SuperSaiyaMan12 on Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
The first major arc that I'm thinking of is called 'Pirate Busting', by the way. The Nausicans are the main antagonists, as well as the Orion Syndicate and the Multiracial Red Sun (named in honor of Black Sun from the Star Wars EU).