Star Trek Sovereign

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Star Trek Sovereign

Post by JudgeKing »

Star Trek: Sovereign
It takes place in 2385 onboard the USS Sovereign NCC-73811. Basically, the USS crew make first contact with the Kremlin(who are religious wackjobs) and the Krmelin begin a war aginst the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. It's got quite a bit of humor also. And yes, I did make this.
Here are the characters, both regular and reccuring:

Good Guys
Main Characters
Cpt. Jack Gore: Born and raised in Vancouver. He's a Federation Captain who is never formal and usually eccentric. He was in command of the Bellerophon and the Dauntless prior to his post on the Sovereign. In Starfleet Academy, he had a brief relationship with Dr. Rosake. His favorit holo program is the X-303 Prometheus. He's also a veteran of the Dominion War who took part in Operation Return and the Chin'toka Advance. He also converted 1 of the Sovereign's cargo bays into a brewery and storage for beer and wine.

Cmdr. Saffi Ingrid Larsen: Born on Goddard Moon Colony, She's a by the book person who doesn't really like nonstandard procedures. An Avid fan of Stargate SG-1, she has all 388 seasons of it. She graduated top of her class in Starfleet Academy.

Lt. Cmdr. Solian Jarso Brex: typical workaholic. He has several years worth of shore leave. His home is on Bolarus in a rural town. His hobbies are work and more work. His service record is full of commendations, reccomendations, and great reviews because of his workaholicness.

Ensign Kiska LoMar: Typical Bajoran starfleet personnel. She gruadated class of 2384. Unlike most Bajorans, she like Klingon opera and Romulan Ale. She won 3 kick boxing tournaments during her academy years. She also helped Quark buy a D'Kora Class ship in 2379.

Lt. Felix Savali: Born on Samoa, he graduated 5th in his class. He is usually silent and often does simulations on the holodeck to keep his skills as tactical officer sharp. His hobbies are skeet and trap shooting, reading, and blowing up stuffed animals with M80. He also served on a Klingon ship for 1 year. He hit it off pretty well- Being challenged to Bat'leth combat and even being asked to marry a Klingon.

Dr. Hailey Rosake: Born in Colorado Springs. She is the USS Sovereign's CMO and is more competent than most other doctors in Starfleet. She is an expert at making all sorts of alchoholic beverages. Her hobbies are skiing, biking, photoshop, and playing Star Trek Bridge Commander. She was in a brief relationship with Cpt. Gore in Starfleet Academy.

Lt. Cmdr. Miguel Pedro Diaz: Born in Sanora, Mexico. His hobbies are gardening, forums, and playing the electric guitar. He also helped improve the sensors system of the Nova Class. Lt. Cmdr. Diaz also frequently uses sexual innuendo in everything he says. He has had some problems with Klingons in his family history. He was one of the few humans to ever graduate from the Vulcan Academy of Science.
Korbus: Klingon house leader who is an old friend of Cpt. Gore's. His house flagship is a Qang-Class Battlecruiser named the IKS Jon'Ka. He is Martok's Chief of Staff and presides over a fleet of 24 Klingon Ships belonging to his house.

Cmdr. S'Rat: Romulan commander who usually is seen patrolling the Maelstrom for whatever reason. She commands the IRW Zerix, a Kerchan-class Dreadnaught. She sometimes helps the Sovereign when her interests are stake. She assisted Sela's ascension to Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire.

Tomalak: Ambassador to the Federation. Like Sela, he got his position in 2379 after Shinzon was killed. He and Sela both gave Cmdr. S'Rat a command of her personal choosing.

Adml. Alice Liu: Head of the 12th. She was in charge of stopping Starbase 12 from crashing into Earth after it had been launched into warp by the Dominion. Her current rank is Rear Admiral.

Cpt. Robert Wright: Current Cpt. of the USS Dauntless(NCC-71879). He lost his daughter when the Vesuvi sun went supernova. He was quite a revered captain who also had a box of donuts in a desk drawer at all times.

Cpt. John McCray: Captain of the Akira Class USS Geronimo. He usually assists the Sovereign when they're in deep Sh*t. He isn't above pulling practical jokes on his own crew. He is quite competent in many respects.

Lt. Cmdr. Reginald Barclay: Chief Engineer of the Intrepid Class USS A-Team(It has the exact same paint scheme as BA's van along with a Captain's Yacht called Hannible). He is usually involved with trying to create a successful Quantum Slipstream Drive that doesn't fail or go awry.

Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard: After Nemesis, Picard took a 6 week vacation and resumed duty after the Enterprise E was repaired and upgraded. After Worf became captain, Picard's new XO was Cmdr. Martin Madden of the USS Hemmingway. Picard and the entire crew manage to escape the destruction of the Enterprise E and are later transferred to the Excalibur Class Enterprise F.

Cpt. Worf: Worf was ambassador to the Klingon Empire from 2375-2379 when Adml. William Ross gave him his old job of tactical officer and rank of Lt. Cmdr. After Nemesis, Worf was made 1st officer of the Enterprise E. Worf was promoted to Captain in 2383 after being first officer on the Enterprise E for 4 years. He commands the Defiant Class USS Avenger NCC-74989. He also has Data's cat spot with him.

Cmdr. Sito Jaxa: She was released after the Dominion War. The Cardassians captured her in the 2360s and she was tortured. She was released along with several prisoners including Tom Riker. She currently serves as the XO of the USS Pheonix.

Cpt. Ben Maxwell: During the Dominion War, he was reinstated on the USS Pheonix. After the war, he was pardoned because his foreshadowing of the Dominion War was true and because he destroyed many Dominion ships. He still commands the Pheonix.

Cpt. Christine Vale: CO of the USS Titan after Riker defected to the Kremlin. She was part of Starfleet special forces and teactical officer of the USS Enterprise E from 2375-2379. She is on vacation during the events of Star Trek: Nemesis.

Bad Guys
Pascal Fullerton: Hapless preacher who hates the Federation for whatever reason. He has the same plastic chest as Khan Noonien Singh. He wants to destroy the Sovereign because of his being beaten by Cpt. Gore. He is willing to sacrifice his own crew to save his own ass. Better villain than Khan will always be. He first appeared in the DS9 episode "Let He Who Is Without Sin...". He has a modified Constellation Class ship.

Leonard H. McCoy: Evil ruler of the Kremlin. His command ship is a Kremiln Super Battleship. He is a right wing Christian Fundamentalist nutjob who hate the Federation for not being a theocracy. He's evil because he was accidentally run over by a flying semi truck(which was travelling at a speed of 220kph).

Chuck Norris: High Ranking Kremlin Admiral who gets killed by High Emperor McCoy I for entertainment.

William T. Riker: Kremlin Chief of Staff, who destroed the Enterprise E. He was sent to the brig for trafficking Ferengi porn, starship schematics, and illegal drugs to the Kremlin. He escaped in a shuttle equipped with a Romulan cloaking device he stole. He's no longer married to Deanna Troi.

Gul Oben: Cardassian Captain who wants revenge against Cpt. Gore and General Korbus for being left to die on Seltris IX. He has a scar running down the right side of his face.

Legate Matan: Cardassian politician who wants war against the Federation and an allaince with the Kremlin. He has a Kulinor class Battleship. He relies on advanced cybernetics to keep himself alive.

Khan Noonien Singh: Yes, he reappears, after Genesis goes bye bye. He and his crew aboard the Miranda Class USS Reliant want revenge against James T. Kirk who is supposedly dead. He get killed by Cmdr. S'Rat aound the planet Vusuvi VI.

ISS Sovereign Crew(Mirror Universe): These people are evil versions of the crew of the USS Sovereign. They came together under the least likely circumstances and stole Spacedock from the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. They then built the ISS Sovereign and several other ships using stolen blueprints of the Intrepid, Prometheus, Galaxy, Nebula, Akira, and Ambassador Classes. They eventually met up with the Terran Rebellion led by Smiley O'Brien. The combining of forces between the two rebellions later defeated the Alliance in under 10 years.

I'll start adding episodes tomorrow. Tell me what you think.[/u]
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