True, but you're going to run into the fact that I'd want the shuttle returned to a pile of spare parts. And knowing that you're planning something with it would probably make it even more likely that the Commander would get it torn apart by the hanger crew.Blackstar wrote:Actually, I have an idea to propose at some point. A new sensor system, which would be easier to build into a ship already under construction, then having to tear an old one apart and try to make it fit.
True, but your actions so far have made him think that you're trying to nail him with something. Hence his constant ducking her appointments and generaly trying to annoy her and observe her. You've put him on the defensive, and he's going to run you into the ground should you not attempt to warm relations with him. He thinks you're an enemy, and he's going to do everything in his power to take you down before you do something to him.And she isn't really gunning for Rochey. He just won't sit down and talk to her, which makes her suspicious and annoyed with him. The ironic thing is he actually has nothing to worry about.
Of course, warming relations is probably going to be quite hard. M'Real already has a rather severe dislike of him due to their last encounter, and he's probably going to see most offers of friendship (such as offering him the codes to your message) as some sort of trick. You've got one hell of a job cut out for you.
Also, he's going to try and get restrictions placed on your activities and your clearance on the ship. Of course, he's not going to get those straight off, the Captain would be dead set against it. However, every time you flaunt the rules or do something he doesn't aprove of, he's going to spin it to the Captain to make it look like you're a serious threat. Since he's not exactly going to say it right in front of her, M'Real is going to have no idea that he's doing this, until he builds up enough of a case that the Captain capitulates and let's Rochey place heavy (and I mean heavy) restrictions on her. So you'd better keep that in mind every time you try to do something that bends the rules, he's going to be watching you for every slip up you make.
Basicaly, unless you want life on the ship to become quite difficult for you, you'll need to get him off your back, ASAP.
You'll probably need to go through me to get permission to continue construction, though. And you'll have to have a hell of a good reason for me to let you.Reliant wrote:I could use the shuttlecraft. It may be useful as an uprated version of the standard model.