"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," the Eddie Murphy action-comedy "Beverly Hills Cop," the romantic drama "Dirty Dancing," "The Social Network," about the founding of Facebook, and the Coen Brothers' modern western "No Country for Old Men," are among the films named today to the Library of Congress' National Film Registry, to be preserved for future generations.
"Star Trek II," "Dirty Dancing," "Beverly Hills Cop" among films named to National Film Registry for 2024
"Star Trek II," "Dirty Dancing," "Beverly Hills Cop" among films named to National Film Registry for 2024
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-f ... l-network/
"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"
Stan - South Park
Stan - South Park
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Re: "Star Trek II," "Dirty Dancing," "Beverly Hills Cop" among films named to National Film Registry for 2024
Cool, it does deserve it.
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