Reboot B5?

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Reboot B5?

Post by McAvoy »

There has always been some small talk about B5 in some for or another. Fans talking about what ifs about replacing existing TV show CGI with the latest CGI.

But what if they just reboot the series and start from scratch.

Would you use The Expanse type of CGI? Or Trek? I mean aesthetic. Trek being more flashy and The Expanse being a more like an updated version of nuBSG?

I'd imagine any rebooted B5 would use most of the ship designs but updated. Make them look as big as they are supposed to be. B5 would probably stay the same too.

Storywise, you just can't say the same story but with different actors playing the same characters. So how would that work? Tweak it here and there to change a few things? Make the Minbari more religiously militeristic? Narn more animalistic? Centauri more French? Humans more xenophobic? Shadows and Vorlons more less the same? Maybe introduce a third First One race? Maybe even older than the Vorlons and the Shadows? Like true First Ones?

Personally, I do wonder how such a series would be played out. You can't just rehash the basics from the original and that would be expected. Maybe you can do certain elements but then flip them for the shock value or something.
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Re: Reboot B5?

Post by IanKennedy »

I don't really see the point. The original B5 stands up to a rewatch. Other than the Ranger movies, which were so bad I turned them off. I watched it all earlier this year and wasn't disappointed by the CGI or the acting.
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Re: Reboot B5?

Post by McAvoy »

IanKennedy wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:59 pm I don't really see the point. The original B5 stands up to a rewatch. Other than the Ranger movies, which were so bad I turned them off. I watched it all earlier this year and wasn't disappointed by the CGI or the acting.
Yeah. I did one about a year ago. Right before the quarantine my state went under.

My point is really how do you do a reboot to B5. At best you do a sequel to it. But you have to create a new series long arc with something. Maybe the Third Space Aliens? Or other First Ones? Who knows.

But a complete reboot would be very hard to do I think. Maybe in another 20 years.
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Re: Reboot B5?

Post by IanKennedy »

They already tried to do a sequel and failed. It was called Crusade. Set in the B5 universe. The Drakh attack earth and leave it infected. Excalibur a ship introduced in B5 sets out to find a cure. It had Gary Cole as the captain, Peter Woodward as a Techno Mage. Carrie Dobro as the last surviving member alien race killed by the Drakh. Not bad but didn't really ever take off.
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Re: Reboot B5?

Post by McAvoy »

IanKennedy wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:02 pm They already tried to do a sequel and failed. It was called Crusade. Set in the B5 universe. The Drakh attack earth and leave it infected. Excalibur a ship introduced in B5 sets out to find a cure. It had Gary Cole as the captain, Peter Woodward as a Techno Mage. Carrie Dobro as the last surviving member alien race killed by the Drakh. Not bad but didn't really ever take off.
I remember. They did a movie to set it up too. Kinda more of a explore strange new worlds than a station in space thing. Lots of CGI too even for the interior. Lasted I think like 12-14 episodes.

I think B5 in general though widely known in science fiction fan circles, it's not that well known outside that. Some may remember it, more than likely remember it from The Big Bang Theory than anything else at this point.
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