First the best known:
Assuming an equal about of matter and using E=mc^2 and a figure of 4.184E15 J for 1 megaton, this gives a theoretical maximum yield of 64.53 Mt.TNG TM pg 129 wrote:the maximum payload of antimatter in a standard photon torpedo is...about 1.5 kilograms
Fair enough. But then, later in the same book we have this:
This information gives a practical yield for a torpedo of 239 Mt - almost four times the theoretical maximum suggested ealier.TNG TM pg 141 wrote: *the primary auto-destruct system produces* an energy release on the order of 10^15 megajoules, roughly equivalent to 1,000 photon torpedoes
But we haven't finished yet. Further down the same page:
This gives a torpedo yield equivalent to just 478 tons of TNT - less than one twentieth of the yield of the device dropped on Hiroshima.TNG TM pg 141 wrote:The release yield of the secondary sytem is calculated to be 10^9 megajoules, roughly equivalent to 500 photon torpedoes.
Ideas anyone? Can we reconcile these figures or do we pick whichever one we like best?