Giant Jeff Goldblum statue erected for Jurassic Park 25th

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Giant Jeff Goldblum statue erected for Jurassic Park 25th

Post by Nutso »

Image ... niversary/
The movie Jurassic Park gets a Jurassic-sized tribute with a 25 ft statue of actor Jeff Goldblum's torso placed in front of Tower Bridge in London, England on July 18.

UK streaming service Now TV celebrated the 25th anniversary of the movie Jurassic Park by paying homage to the film's most-memed moments -- Goldblum's mathematician character of Dr. Ian Malcolm with his shirt unbuttoned, looking sultry even after a Tyrannosaurus Rex attack.

The giant statue of Goldblum stands at over 9.8 feet (3 meters) high and nearly 23 feet (7 meters) long, and weighs in at 331 lbs (150kg). The impressive statue also took over six weeks and 250 painstaking hours to make.
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Re: Giant Jeff Goldblum statue erected for Jurassic Park 25t

Post by IanKennedy »

If that isn't a good reason for a thermonuclear strike on London I don't know what is. Especially as it's right next to Tower Bridge!
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