USS Yorktown NCC-108

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USS Yorktown NCC-108

Post by Meste17 »

So I had a new idea popping in my head for a Daedalus class ship from 2164 - 2196 called the USS Yorktown, NCC-108, based on Gene Roddenberry's original idea for the heroic Star Trek ship. How is about this?

Captain Elisha Joseph Smith, human male, commanding officer
Commander Scott or Sarah Thomas, human male/female, executive officer
Lieutenant Commander Stelon, Vulcan male, science officer
Lieutenant Gorash van Gravon, Tellarite male, chief engineering officer
Lieutenant Jhamel th'Zeflon, Andorian female (zhen and shen), chief security officer
Lieutenant Taron, Deltan female, chief medical officer
Ensign Zoklar, Arkenite male, chief helmsman
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Re: USS Yorktown NCC-108

Post by McAvoy »

I think the crew has too many aliens honestly.
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