Of course everyone in Starfleet now uses the same delta shield symbol, but in TOS each ship had their own symbol.
Enterprise :

Constellation :

Exeter :

And so on. I've been designing some of these to go with the TOS-era characters I created recently, and it's a lot of fun.
Slightly less obvious is that different departments have different symbols on the ship system.

Engineering on the left, command in the middle, science on the right. Some sources say there was also one with a small red cross, for medical, but McCoy wore the science design in every shot I have seen.
Curiously, there doesn't seem to be a security symbol. All the redshirt security types I've found wear the engineering symbol. That seems odd to me - are we to believe that the security department is under the Engineering division? Or is it the case that there is no security division, and security officers were drawn from other divisions as needed - and most/all that we saw happened to come from Engineering?
Would it be justifiable to invent a security symbol? It needs to be a relatively simple shape, clearly different from the others... crossed swords, perhaps?
Any thoughts?