Yes, and yes. While they've been great to me in terms of they've recognised achievement and allowed me to very quickly accelerate to a decent wage position from starting as a call centre hack, they haven't been great to all our staff. Last year they TUPE'd (effectively, sold our contracts) on to an Indian resource management firm and it's rapidly gone downhill since. We play by LBG rules without any of the benefits and having loss an awful lot of pension benefits etc in the process. Time to get out m'thinks.Mikey wrote:I'm going to assume from your tone that a) by "LBG" you mean Lloyd's, and b) separating yourself from them is a good thing. So, congrats! I too am waiting for some bureaucracy to get sorted before taking a banking position. It will actually be the first experience in my life working outside of some sort of retail, but I'm intrigued by the idea of leaving work while it's still daylight all the time.Reliant121 wrote:Just waiting on the vetting checks and to get a contract in my hand but, I've just accepted a job offer for a new role! Finally get's me out of the umbrella of LBG.
This time I'm working for a small start up Small-Medium Enterprise bank. It's Invoice/Cashflow Finance, just like I do now, but with a waaay smaller more personal corporation. Much less "drone in the machine" mentality; opportunity to be a big cog in a small machine. Can't wait!