The Martian (2015) Notes (movie and book)

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The Martian (2015) Notes (movie and book)

Post by Coalition »

In case anyone wanted to write anything about the 2015 movie or book by Andy Weir, I decided to put a few notes here.

Hermes data:
110 tons, accel is 2 mm/s^2

Made a timeline for both the movie and the book, in case anyone wanted to write stories in them:
Sol Event
18 Storm arrives, Whatney is hit, left behind
19 Makes record of being alive
21 Makes food plans, and spots potatoes planned for Thanksgiving
22 Staple from injury came out
31 Starts setting up rows for potatoes, prepping fertilizer, & planting
36 Needs to figure out water shortage
41 Nearly blew self up
54 First potato sprout, Mindy spots difference
70 Long-term plans to get to MAV 4 being made
71 First Rover long-duration treks/tests
79 Reap & re-sow potatoes (400 plants), plan made to go to Pathfinder probe
109 Pathfinder retrieved to Hab, basic picture comm done, high-speed comms needed, hexadecimal
128 NASA managing Mark's crops
134 Airlock pops
135 Plans redone to accelerate launch preps
136 Hermes crew communicating with Mark
(sometime in here) Rich Purnell comments that the Food Probe flight time is 414 days to get to Mars from Earth, but he has an idea
154 Mark told to stretch rations farther to be alive when food supply lands
186 Probe food flight blows up
227 Hermes flyby of Earth
409 Rations expected to run out
461 Mark leaves Hab to head to MAV 4
494 More driving for Mark
517 More driving for Mark; plans made to reduce mass of MAV4
538 Mark arrives at MAV4
560 Hermes crew preps to receive
561 Hermes at Mars using Rich's maneuver
600 Potatoes run out
772 Hermes at Earth
868 Iris probe food shipment expected to arrive at Mars assuming nothing goes wrong
912 Original farm of potatoes will last until then
Sol Event
-124 July 7, 2035 Hermes leaves earth
0 November 7, 2035 (Hermes arrives at Mars, a trip of 124 days and 150 million miles)
6 Storm arrives, Whatney thought dead
7 Inventories food (300 days, ration can stretch to 400)
49 NASA starts watching Mark
71 Head to Pathfinder
82 Found Pathfinder
94 Back at Hab
97 Comms via Pathfinder active
116 1st Potato harvest
119 Airlock Problem, only has 184 days of potatoes remaining; a resupply rocket takes 63 days to assemble
174 Food Resupply rocket launch (transit time = 414 days carrying 300 kg of cargo
192 Hermes performs the Rich Purnell maneuver
192 Mark finds out Hermes is returning
196 Pathfinder comms trouble
199 Rover power problem solved
201 Used RTG to make hot water bathtub
210 Rovers get 2 dozen panels set up
211 Rover weight loss
213 Resupply launch from China (941 kg)
229.7 Hermes does flyby of Earth, picking up supplies
376 Rover mods complete
380 Rover heat reservoir complete
387 Roomy tent made
400 Rationed food runs out
449 Marks needs to leave HAB to be at MAV 4
470 Dust storm hits Watney (solar power slowly drops)
475 Watney notices dust storm
484 Past the storm
490 When potatoes effectively run out (they don't grow fast enough)
498 Rover flip
504 Receive signal from MAV
505 At MAV & lightening MAV of everything)
549 Hermes flies by Mars to pick up Mark
775 December 21, 2037 – Hermes returns to Earth
Relativity Calculator
My Nomination for "MVAM Critic Award" (But can it be broken into 3 separate pieces?)
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