Star Trek: Renegades (Official Complete Film)

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Star Trek: Renegades (Official Complete Film)

Post by Nutso »
About Star Trek: Renegades:

Star Trek Renegades is an independent fan funded and supported Internet television Series, produced by Sky Conway.

Our pilot episode is completed and will be released to supporters in the very near future. Renegades features a combination of familiar Star Trek character and actors, plus a collection of hot, new rising actors.

The Story:

When a seemingly unstoppable new enemy threatens the very existence of the Earth, Admiral Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) is forced to work outside the boundaries of Starfleet’s rules to combat this deadly new foe.

When planet after planet winks out of existence, yet Starfleet refuses to act, Chekov turns to Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ, who also directs), the new head of Starfleet’s covert operations division, Section 31. Together, they assemble a new elite strike-force, consisting of rogues, outcasts and criminals, led by the fearless yet haunted Lexxa Singh (Adrienne Wilkinson).

The Renegades’ mission is simple: take on an army and stop their leader, Borrada (Bruce Young), from destroying the Earth. Outnumbered and outgunned, the ragtag crew is in an adrenaline-pumping race against time and space. But they soon find their foes are the least of their concerns: the real trouble may be coming from within!

Star Trek: Renegades stars Walter Koenig (reprising his role as Admiral Chekov), Adrienne Wilkinson, Sean Young, Manu Intiraymi, Gary Graham, Robert Picardo, Corin Nemec, Bruce Young, Tim Russ, Chasty Ballesteros, Edward Furlong, Courtney Peldon, Larissa Gomes, Richard Herd and Herbert Jefferson Jr., and introducing Crystal Conway.
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Re: Star Trek: Renegades (Official Complete Film)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

There's a LOT of these fan films and series appearing lately. The production values are surprisingly high for fan films, too - although nowhere near the level of proper TV shows and films in most cases.

What's surprising to me is how many "real actors" are starting to crop up in them. Lots of ex Trek actors, and the likes of Sean Young, Gary Graham, Edward Furlong... I gotta say, the glass-is-half-full side of me thinks it's impressive that they have recognisable names in these things. The glass-is-half-empty side notes that the downward career trajectory path for actors now has a new rung below "direct to DVD"...
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Re: Star Trek: Renegades (Official Complete Film)

Post by Atekimogus »

To be honest...that doesn't sound all that interesting to me. Star Trek in name only.

But I guess if it's not a universe destroying threat snuffing out planet after planet..........sigh....I don't know. If I make a fan film with a very limited budget....idk...I would make a character driven one of the so called "bottle shows" of star trek that where nevertheless hugely successful, like "The Measure of a Man".

I wouldn't blow that little budget I had on crappy looking CGI and special effects. No matter how good it is and how many hours of unpaid work flows into it...they'll never be able to compete with even TV standards. Wheras if they concentrate on script and writing..that costs nothing but talent.
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Re: Star Trek: Renegades (Official Complete Film)

Post by Spocky »

Ooh! I've been following it since... Feb 2012 I think. Though it might have been Feb 2013.

However, I thought it was coming out on the 20-something of September, rather than a couple of days ago, thanks for posting this. I'm going to watch it soon.
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Re: Star Trek: Renegades (Official Complete Film)

Post by McAvoy »

I have a hard time watching it. Something just doesn't click right in them. Maybe it's the acting or maybe the sets themselves. I don't know.
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