
The Next Generation

Thoughts on Katherine Pulaski

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Burn the witch!
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Bryan Moore
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Post by Bryan Moore »

So I know a lot of fans didn't like her much, said she was a bad fit, or simply that she wasn't Dr. Crusher. Is there anyone who is a fan?

I used to not like the character, but upon viewing the second season in full through Spike TV in the states over the last couple of years, and watching the whole second season over a couple of days about a month ago, I found her quite charming.
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Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

I didn't like the characters in general, but I don't think she diserves the rep she's aquired.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Meh. She's okay.
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Post by Teaos »

She's to old. I want eye candy!
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I preferred Beverly to her. And he basic bigotry to Data pissed me off.
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Post by kostmayer »

Bit of a McCoy wanna be if you ask me. McCoys bigotry towards Spock may have been just as bad, but there was mutual respect there.

Also, Spock gave as good as he got, if not better.
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Yeah. Spock knew how to hit back. And they did call truces, like in Amok Time. "I would be honored, sir."

Pulaski... yeesh.
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Post by Captain Seafort »

Pulaski was a definate improvement on S1 Crusher, and she was contrary enough to bring some conflict to Roddenberry's pristine utopia, which is always a good thing.
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Post by mwhittington »

She came off to me as a wannabe McCoy, too, though I prefer the real McCoy (cue rimshot)! Actually, Crusher was a much better looking improvement over the old Ms. Menopausal.
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Post by Mikey »

I agree with Mr. Whittington - it seemed that they played up the "defiance of the captain" angle too much, without the humanizing influence of McCoy's passion or his friendship with Kirk.
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Post by KuvahMagh »

I'm not a big fan of Crusher but I hated Pulaski.

As was said above her dislike of Data, even mispronouncing his name and not even caring about it, struck me as foolish, surely someone who is in Starfleet, whose mission is to seek out new life would have a greater acceptance, even McCoy showed signs that he liked Spock when pressed.
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Post by Graham Kennedy »

I've never been able to put my finger on it before, but that's exactly it. Pulaski had all the hard nosed "argue with anybody regardless for rank" aspects that McCoy had... but she never had the warmth, the friendship, that McCoy had with Kirk. So her arguments came over as shrill and nasty.

One thing that bothered me about her was... I think it was Pen Pals. She was going on about Wesley and said something about "are we treating him like a young officer, or like a boy who we are responsible for?" And I just thought 'well excuse me lady, but nobody made YOU responsible for any such thing!" Crusher handed over her parental duties to the E-D senior officers, individually. Personally I'd be pissed off if I handed my kid over to some people and then found that they were sharing parental duties with others I hadn't vetted.
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Post by Bryan Moore »

GrahamKennedy wrote:I've never been able to put my finger on it before, but that's exactly it. Pulaski had all the hard nosed "argue with anybody regardless for rank" aspects that McCoy had... but she never had the warmth, the friendship, that McCoy had with Kirk. So her arguments came over as shrill and nasty.
I found her arguments to be shrilly, but charmingly so. I also found her warmth to develop throughout the season. I believe if she had time to play the character more, the warmth would have come through. There were some very interesting moments, including her respect for Worf's feelings in his chicken pox, her interactions with Sarjenka, her care for Picard. I never quite found her cold, save for a few moments.
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Post by Reliant121 »

Grumpy old cow who looked like my Grandmother. I say we steal her, hop into the B5 universe and feed her to a Vorlon.
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Post by Enkidu »

The "McCoy in a skirt" thing gave the the producers the opportunity to use stories and plot elements from the aborted Phase II series with a little retooling (McCoy/Spock interaction becoming Pulaski/Data). Having seen the episodes a few months back, the character doesn't really grate on me too badly, and even injects a very slight dose of needed misantrophy into the USS Stepford crew.
Back in the 'eighties, when I had a slight schoolboy Crusher crush (please forgive the awful pun) I thought the replacement of the MILF doctor (though that term hadn't been invented yet) was criminal.....
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