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Re: Funny pics

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Re: Funny pics

Post by Angharrad »

Nutso wrote:Image
The dog's name is Ray Rice.
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Re: Funny pics

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Re: Funny pics

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He's dead, isn't he? :(
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Re: Funny pics

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Why? "This isn't cheese for eating," ... "This is cheese for thinking." ... -bacteria/

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Re: Funny pics

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Re: Funny pics

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Nutso wrote:Image]
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Re: Funny pics

Post by Mikey »

Nutso wrote:Fuckface.
Roger Goodell fucked up on this occassion, big time, by having become used to the lack of transparency with which the league usually operates. He made wrong decisions in the handling of this matter wrt the press. That said, however, he is patently not a fuckface. My bro-in-law, who is a high-school football head coach, has worked with Goodell in the past with youth developmental programs and (more importantly) youth safe-play instructional programs; on concussion safety training for coaches; and on NFL-backed educational opportunity tours for underpriveleged high-school ball players. He acted like a fuckface in this situation, but I won't believe he is one.

BTW... why is everyone concerned about what the NFL and the Ravens are doing about Rice - essentially, his employers - but nobody seems to give a shit that this guy who knocked out a woman with a single straight right and then dragged her ass out of an elevator like a 12-point buck never even had to go to trial?
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Re: Funny pics

Post by Nutso »

Mikey wrote:
Nutso wrote:Fuckface.
Roger Goodell fucked up on this occassion, big time, by having become used to the lack of transparency with which the league usually operates. He made wrong decisions in the handling of this matter wrt the press. That said, however, he is patently not a fuckface. My bro-in-law, who is a high-school football head coach, has worked with Goodell in the past with youth developmental programs and (more importantly) youth safe-play instructional programs; on concussion safety training for coaches; and on NFL-backed educational opportunity tours for underpriveleged high-school ball players. He acted like a fuckface in this situation, but I won't believe he is one.
Called him a fuckface because of his handling of this situation. Originally a 2 week suspension, then the NFL is somehow surprised that fans and nonfans have a problem with that seeing as drug offenses get 4 weeks to a season. So they decided to save face and give a longer suspension after the Ravens terminated his contract.

The release of the knockout made things worse but, not as bad as when some anonymous source said the NFL had this knockout tape before they decided on the suspension. The NFL and its commissioner had a responsibility to look at that tape before they decided on a punishment for Ray Rice. They choose not to. What a fuck-up.

This combination of face-saving and fuck-up led me to call Roger Goodell, "fuckface."
BTW... why is everyone concerned about what the NFL and the Ravens are doing about Rice - essentially, his employers - but nobody seems to give a shit that this guy who knocked out a woman with a single straight right and then dragged her ass out of an elevator like a 12-point buck never even had to go to trial?
I think his fiance', now wife, never pressed charges and in fact a couple days ago made a statement blasting the media and "unwanted opinions." I don't know if this is domestic disturbance or assault or what the law says in New Jersey regarding those offenses but, I assumed he didn't go to trial because the victim didn't press charges.

Here are her instagram words:
“I woke up this morning feeling like I had a horrible nightmare, feeling like I’m mourning the death of my closest friend,” Janay Rice wrote. “But to have to accept the fact that it’s reality is a nightmare in itself. No one knows the pain that [the] media & unwanted opinions from the public has caused my family. To make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a horrible thing. To take something away from the man I love that he has worked his ass of for all his life just to gain ratings is horrific.

THIS IS OUR LIFE! What don’t you all get. If your intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us feel alone, take all happiness away, you’ve succeeded on so many levels. Just know we will continue to grow & show the world what real love is! Ravensnation we love you!”
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Re: Funny pics

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How Jesus got his rep

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Re: Funny pics

Post by Nutso »

Let's see David Blaine do that!
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Re: Funny pics

Post by Mikey »

Nutso wrote:I think his fiance', now wife, never pressed charges and in fact a couple days ago made a statement blasting the media and "unwanted opinions." I don't know if this is domestic disturbance or assault or what the law says in New Jersey regarding those offenses but, I assumed he didn't go to trial because the victim didn't press charges.
Well, she's defending him because she stood the chance of making half of a star NFL player's salary. IDK about pressing hcarges or not, but he was definitely on track to go to trial - otherwise, the court-mandated counseling wouldn't be known as "pre-trial intervention." In other words, he's famous so we'll find a legal excuse to keep him out of the joint.

In general, obviously the Ravens and the league only came down on him harder than they originally did is the fact that word got out and people (read: "potential sources of income") started to get upset. How Goodell went about fleecing the media, and thereby the public, is unconscionable; however, it still boggles my mind that his screw-up is on what people focus, rather than the fact that a 220-lb. professional ball of muscle punched a woman in the face. Further, in no other situation would people be pointing fingers at the perpetrator's employer rather than the legal system that wouldn't even try him.
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Re: Funny pics

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Re: Funny pics

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Nutso wrote: Image
Disabled is a gender now?
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Re: Funny pics

Post by Sonic Glitch »

Nutso wrote:
Sir, we have been SABOTAGED

Where's Dr. Petrov?
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