Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spock! Spo- not yet?! 8)TNG: Unification Review (1 of 3)
Opinionated Next Gen Episode Guide kicks off its look at Unification. Spock is now an ambassador, just like Sarek, his father, so of course two experienced trained diplomats on the same side don't get along in the slightest. Picard will have to go and find Spock on Romulus to try to figure out WTF.
Three-parter? Chuck's going all out here.