Kari, Tory and Grant Ousted From Mythbusters

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Kari, Tory and Grant Ousted From Mythbusters

Post by Nutso »

http://www.newsledge.com/myth-confirmed ... sters-8985

Well, this isn’t a myth. Mythbusters fan favorites Kari Byron, Tory Belleci and Grant Imahara have been let go from the popular Discovery Channel show. The reason hasn’t been given, but rumors are swirling that Discovery executives were getting concerned over the cost of Mythbusters.

The next season will see Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman return as the show’s only hosts. Kari sent out a series of tweets about the news. “I guess you guys are finding out the news right about now. After a decade of the MythBusters, we are no longer with the show. Thank you to all the fans who have supported us. The show is taking a new direction. It was an amazing run. I learned so much about myself and the world. I love you all @MythBusters. I am sad for an ending but there will be exciting new adventures for us.”

The official Mythbusters account was gracious in announcing their exit, thanking them for the wonderful run.

We want to thank @KariByron @GrantImahara @ToryBelleci for their tireless work, and wish them all the best. https://t.co/pmMSqiRAH1

— MythBusters (@MythBusters) August 22, 2014

Tory continued the feel-good sentiments, expressing gratitude towards the fans and Discovery.

It’s been an amazing ride for 10 years! We couldn’t have done it without you guys. You’re the best fans anyone could wish for. Thank you

— Tory Belleci (@ToryBelleci) August 22, 2014

Grant followed the trio and mentioned what the team was known for. Blowing things up.

Thanks @MythBusters for allowing us to teach science in a whole new way. Also, explosions. Now, on to the next adventure!

— Grant Imahara (@grantimahara) August 22, 2014

Now, what comes next? The trio is popular and there are plenty of networks that could stand an exciting science show. Some rumors have popped up about a possible History Channel show, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

The news was announced at the end of this season’s season finale. Discovery has also put together a retrospective of the three exiting members. Plenty of awesome science moments for Discovery.
I had no idea Mythbusters was still on the air.
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Re: Kari, Tory and Grant Ousted From Mythbusters

Post by McAvoy »

I didn't know either. For some reason I thought they went off the air few years ago.

To be honest I liked the originals better. The redhead was the only one I liked because she was a redhead.
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Re: Kari, Tory and Grant Ousted From Mythbusters

Post by Teaos »

I liked them, they did the more esoteric myths.
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