I used to lurk on the "rapture ready" message board, purely for an occasional head shaking look at just how crazy people could be. I find the whole rapture concept just incredibly silly on every level. I've not read the Left Behind books, but I've read a fair bit about them. They're really quite remarkable books in many ways. Remarkably stupid, remarkably badly written.Nutso wrote:So you're not excited about the next big Nicholas Cage movie, "Left Behind," based on the very popular Left Behind series of books? There's an original "Left Behind" movie produced by and staring TV's Kirk Cameron as well. Left Behind is based on The Rapture, possibly centering on those who haven't been Raptured. I could have sworn Cage did a similar movie like this except The Rapture was done by aliens.Graham Kennedy wrote: For me, I'm deeply fed up with the constant stream of "after the apocalypse" series that have come out in the last few years. Boring, boring, boring.
My favourite moment? Somebody points out to the antichrist that everything that's happening follows biblical prophecy, and according to the bible... their side loses. The Antichrist, who has read the bible and knows the prophecies, smugly declares that he has a surprise in story for Jesus when he comes back. That surprise turns out to be... the exact army the bible describes him bringing, and which it says Jesus will destroy utterly. Which he does.