PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by Nutso »

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LONDON, England (CNN) -- Just because they named their new CD "Yes," does not mean that British electro-pop duo, the Pet Shop Boys, will agree to just about anything.
PETA has asked the Pet Shop Boys to change the band's name to Rescue Shelter Boys.

The band has turned down a request from an animal rights group to rename itself the Rescue Shelter Boys.

The organization, the People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals (PETA), sent a letter to Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe acknowledging that its request, at first blush, might appear "bizarre."

But, by changing its name, the band could raise awareness at every tour stop of the "cramped, filthy conditions" that breeders keep animals in before selling them to pet stores, PETA said in its letter. Read how the Pet Shop Boys got their name

The duo, which has performed under its current name for more than 20 years, reproduced PETA's written request in full on its Web site.

The musicians said they were "unable to agree" to the request "but nonetheless think (it) raises an issue worth thinking about."

The animal rights group said it was pleased the Pet Shop Boys had drawn attention to the issue by posting its letter so prominently on the band's site. Talking about its campaign on a blog entry, a PETA staffer wrote:

"I think I may have to stick "West End Girls" on my iPod right now to celebrate."

"West End Girls" is one of the many hits the group has had in its long career.

PETA is no stranger to oddball campaigns. A recent one was aimed to re-christen fish as "sea kittens" because "who could possibly want to put a hook through a sea kitten?"
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by McAvoy »

... Yet nothing has been done about them killing tens of thousands of animals that have gone through the doors of their HQ in Norfolk irginia.

Peta is aimed for one thing only. Money. Nearly everything they do is aimed towards getting money and yet not much of it or as much you would think goes towards helping animals. In reality they spend money to get more money. Those stupid protests are expensive so they create these bullshit quick and cheap propaganda events like changing names of towns or animals or bands to get people to notice them.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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Ah, hypocrisy, thy motto is PETA.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by Griffin »

As someone who is very much an Animal Rights activist, all I have to say is fuck PETA.

There's the fact they butcher so many animals that they preport to be saving, there's a good case to be made about several of their advertisng campaigns being sexist, and then there's shit like this. Shit like this, which only serves to make mockery of all Animal Rights activists. It makes us all look like the lazy hippie sterotype and basically silences any legitmate point we have.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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You are Pro Animal Rights or Pro Animal Welfare? Some people get them confused.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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More welfare, but that depends what you mean by rights I suppose. But yeah, I probably should have said Welfare. I'm a bit more, “Yeah human beings are designed to eat animals and the fact is a lot of these animal wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for the fact they were going to be eaten, but let 'em run around outside in the mean time and have a bit of fun, then off them in a way that's not too traumatic.”
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by McAvoy »

Griffin wrote:More welfare, but that depends what you mean by rights I suppose. But yeah, I probably should have said Welfare. I'm a bit more, “Yeah human beings are designed to eat animals and the fact is a lot of these animal wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for the fact they were going to be eaten, but let 'em run around outside in the mean time and have a bit of fun, then off them in a way that's not too traumatic.”
There is more to the AR part of it. Basically giving them actual rights that even humans do not have. Putting them at the same level as humans. Stuff like that.

Welfare is basically making sure all animals under human protection and control lives a good and comfortable life.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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Welfare then.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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Griffin wrote:Welfare then.
Not trying to state what you are or anything.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

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I know, but of those two, I'm Welfare.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by Tsukiyumi »

I believe in humane treatment of animals.

That said, people against animal testing and eating animals or animal products are missing a lot of the big picture. How much agama and soy protein do people need to eat in order to not only survive, but thrive? Where is all of that going to come from? Probably chopping down rainforests for more cropland.

And on animal testing, who do they presume we should test drugs and products on, then? Prisoners?

In the end, it's fine to disagree on these positions; the people who drive me into a violent, carnivorous rage are the people who don't just hold those beliefs, they expect everyone else to, and harass anyone who doesn't.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by McAvoy »

On animal testing they think either you do not test at all or you use computers to test. In either case it doesn't work.

Me personally, testing on prisoners might seem fine but it does violate so many things morally.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Well, that's the point: simulations do not make up for real data, and testing on prisoners would be an extremely immoral act. That leaves not testing at all, which would lead to people's deaths and subsequent reprisals, or animal testing, which is by far the lesser of evils.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by McAvoy »

Tsukiyumi wrote:Well, that's the point: simulations do not make up for real data, and testing on prisoners would be an extremely immoral act. That leaves not testing at all, which would lead to people's deaths and subsequent reprisals, or animal testing, which is by far the lesser of evils.
Let's keep in mind that these people think animals are little people in fur coats.
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Re: PETA to Pet Shop Boys: Rescue Shelter Boys, perhaps?

Post by Tsukiyumi »

McAvoy wrote:Let's keep in mind that these people think animals are little people in fur coats.
Like they learned biology from Looney Tunes?
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