Religion in general

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Religion in general

Post by McAvoy »

I have a friend that I worked with (as a team) who over the past two years has steadily increased his faith to biblical proportions, pun obviously intended. He wasn't this way originally and him being this way now doesn't bother me. I ignore all of his Bible quotes on Facebook alone even if some of his reasoning is circular (The Bible is true because the Bible says so). But over the past weekend one of his kids was sick enough to go to the hospital. So he prayed to God to cure his daughter and come home in time to go to church on Sunday morning. Well, she came home that Sunday night.

What got me was his mindset, this if God answered his prayers and she did return home in time for church than God is Good. If God met him 'half way' and still came home on Sunday night but not morning God is still good. I bet you if she came home on Monday or any other day, God is Good and some excuse could be made why God didn't bring her home on Sunday. What would happen if the daughter died? His faith is perhaps is so unshakeable he might treat it as his daughter going to a great place and the aftermath of her death would be a trial for him and his family.

To me, it odd in thinking. Like I said I leave him alone as I may be an atheist, but not a militant one.

He isn't that rare though, at least in the US. The so called 'debate' between Ken Ham and Bill Nye a month ago comes to mind. Literal interpretation of the Bible vs. science. I see all the time, in science posts or random facts posted on Facebook pages that state anything contrary to what the Bible states like for example any fossils stating it being millions of years old (classic argument "were you there?" comes to mind), there will be a huge argument in the comments section about it.

I know Europe centuries ago sent America it's crazy religious people and that is probably why we still have hardcore Bible literalists. I think people view the US as almost backwards sometimes because of this sort of thing.

Just wanted to get it off my chest.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Reliant121 »

"To those that believe, no proof is needed. To those that don't, no proof is enough".

That may be a paraphrase but it's essentially a summing up of religion.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Jim »

Due to personal experience I have serious issues with organized religion and over the year it has grown to include religious people as well. I honestly try to avoid discussing religion in open situations.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Teaos »

I hold pretty much the same opinion as you McAvoy in daling with them.

There is no situation, where the result doesnt just increase their resolve and devotion.

I have never seen a religious person turned from their ways by a debate or a presentation of facts, it just takes time an exposure to a skeptical and open outlook on life.

The best way I have found to change peoples mind is get the to listen to skeptical Podcasts of radio/tv shows like The Skeptics Guide to the Universe, under the pretense of learning what the "Enemy" is saying to to have a laugh at them... with in a few months they start coming to more skeptical and rational thinking.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I've got some friends who are religious. They're not that... bad, for lack of a better term. But some of them can get a bit nutsy. I simply try to pay them as little mind as possible.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Tinadrin Chelnor »

I am somewhat similar to Jim, and avoid discussions of organized religion where possible due to personal experiences with such.

I have religious friends, but they are all fully aware of my views. Also, many of them aren't really religious as such, but were brought up to that way.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by IanKennedy »

Reliant121 wrote:"To those that believe, no proof is needed. To those that don't, no proof is enough".

That may be a paraphrase but it's essentially a summing up of religion.
It always makes me laugh that the religious think they've provided proof for anything. If they ever have I've not come across any of it.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Tsukiyumi »

I consider myself highly spiritual, and highly anti-religious. My remaining family and several friends are hardcore evangelical idiots (though otherwise good people). I've had a few conversations with people about it, but I just tend to laugh, shake my head and stick with "whatever floats your boat."

Literal interpretation of the Bible or any ancient text drives me nuts, though.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by McAvoy »

The only time I will argue about religion when someone gets in my face about it. I had a real hard core argument once to one of my friends. She is one of those people who were sluts and fucked anything that got in her way and then became pregnant and now is a hardcore Bible thumper. I guess that day was the day she thought she could convert me.

I was never religious even despite all of my youth involved going every Sunday to church and do all of the activities. Including the Friday night Bible classes. To me God was this invisible person who never reveals himself and yet the Idea of Him is powerful to people. The Bible is full of contradictions yet those who do read it make up excuses like God is all powerful and can do anything he wants and so when he commits genocide it isn't evil as he is God. Then you have people who never read the Bible and only knows the common and famous quotes.

I am an open secret to my family. Everyone knows I am not religious and no one bothers me. I am the only open one though even though I have cousins who do not believe either. One is just as non religious as I am but he is dutiful person and so when invited he goes.

However the one thing I truly dislike above all else is warping reality to fit their personal religious preferences. I keep hearing about God and America and America is a Christian nation and the founding fathers want it to be one. I keep hearing about the battle of evolution vs. Creationism in classrooms. More Biblical themes in the government and so forth.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by stitch626 »

My problem with [some] religious folks is when they attempt to use their beliefs to justify horrible acts they choose to commit.

Also, the ones that say they have beliefs of some sort and then act in a complete opposite way from those beliefs.

Blowing up abortion clinics is one instance that comes to mind...
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Re: Religion in general

Post by McAvoy »

I love it when Christians specifically say they are being prosecuted when in reality they are not that's because they are not getting what they want. Atheists and homosexuals in other countries could face some serious punishment for example.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Coalition »

Had one lady in a store asked me if I read my bible. I replied 'no, I just help people'.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by Tholian_Avenger »

I have my sentimental religious moments, but they are becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy when I have to deal with the people who I consider to be nutcases. I don't recall where I read this, but some people were lamenting the demise of church attendance (their own included) in western culture. That person came to the conclusion that the public became dissatisfied with the prevalence of fanatics.

Was it really worth your time to be harangued by some cat lady because you didn't pray hard enough or would you rather see your kids at home having fun watching cartoons and playing the SNES? Was it really worth your time to have some guy who whitens his teeth by gargling his own urine condemn your daughter as a harlot when she wears blue jeans and lip gloss or would you rather go out for a fancy brunch? Was it really worth your time to watch some kid be told his mother's cancer was from her sinfulness? Was it really worth your time to be lectured to by some morbidly obese conman that preys upon the fears of the elderly? et cetera

Churches are, unfortunately, great places for the accumulation of whackos, and after that became apparent, they began dying in America. There were and are good things about a church, but those things can be instantly ruined by some very bad encounters. If a person talks about the dangers of processed foods they have an audience, but when they advocate homeopathy you lose interest and go back to eating your hamburger.

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Re: Religion in general

Post by McAvoy »

One thing I have been noticing lately and I know it's not recent but it seems like it's getting traction. It's where Christians cling to someone who promotes religion and act like there is finally who is vocal about their beliefs. For example, there are many who are praising Russell Wilson quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks. He identical in his devotion as Tim Tebow was when heplayed football. Wilson isn't unique but when the first openly gay future football player comes out because he was forced to, it's all of a sudden why can't this guy keep it to himself. But being a Christian in football is bad thing too as the media silences th e. They act like this the same.

It's like they have a permanent prosecution complex.
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Re: Religion in general

Post by John Wain »

It is probably not so out of the ordinary that we here share common opinions on religion - science fiction fans will be science-oriented and this sort of pushes away the religious aspect.

I watched a very short version of the Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate, and was pretty much nonplussed. They agreed that they have different interpretations of the same thing. Though I was impressed by the diplomatic approach and respect each showed for the other, I can't think what there is to speak about in 2 hours 45 minutes when there is no common basis. Any way you look at it, the debate can be summed up to 'so how can this be true if science shows... vs. how can science prove anything when the bible says otherwise?'

Religion is a refuge when people face hard times, because they feel they can turn to some greater force who will give them comfort. But it would seem Christianity is slowly fading away globally, with less and less adepts from one survey to another. Unfortunately the reverse is true for Islam, and those who practice it really go by tradition. Crimes committed in the name of Allah now seem similar to those committed in the name of God in the Middle Ages.
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