This is the new Enterprise I was talking about!

It looks more pointy if you really squint. You could slap an image into paint and stretch it a bit and there would be more of a difference.Teaos wrote:For something 3 generations removed from the E-E, it looks remarkably similar just more pointy.
Yeah, the only issue I see is that it's supposed to be the Enterprise-H, and unless Starfleet rapidly lost E, F, and G, I don't see H as being a refit Sovereign.Spocky wrote:New Enterprise; Sovereign Refit.
That's far more like it, and a great design. I can picture that as the H much easier.Teaos wrote:FYI this is the E-H design by an old member of the forum, and one of the best designers I know. He did some great work but hasnt been around for ages.
Is it on this site? If so I will dredge through the forums, I would be interested in seeing his ideas.Teaos wrote:He did a whole series from the E-E to the E-J (My least favorite of any Trek ship) and showed the design evolution.
Well Teaos, then I'd see he has already thought of the crew too.Teaos wrote:FYI this is the E-H design by an old member of the forum, and one of the best designers I know. He did some great work but hasnt been around for ages.
Ask and ye shall receive...Tinadrin Chelnor wrote:Is it on this site? If so I will dredge through the forums, I would be interested in seeing his ideas.Teaos wrote:He did a whole series from the E-E to the E-J (My least favorite of any Trek ship) and showed the design evolution.
When I first saw the E-J I kinda liked it. Then it went rapidly downhill from there. That's the problem with delving too much into the future without any real thought I guess, though.
At least the guy who did this design has made some effort to create a design lineage.
Well, would it be alright if I used this then? Just give the credit to someone else? I want to use whatever shape will attract the most praise, but at the same time use the specs we have on the posts.Teaos wrote:I was just giving an example of a design, how he evolved it from one ship to another, though of logical reasons for things like crew, weapons ect. You can do what ever you like for your ship, this is just an example of someone elses idea for the E-H.