Youtube freezing

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Youtube freezing

Post by shran »

So, whenever playing youtube at any quality setting it freezes completely. My pc becomes totally unresponsive to any input, be it keyboard or mouse for about a minute. In the meantime, the video stops, but the sound continues in a very slow tempo, giving you in any case a very nice, if somewhat creepy rendition of a horror video message. Then, after a minute it unfreezes again and I hear this sound my usb mouse reconnects again. Rinse and repeat after a few minutes.
This happens both on firefox and internet explorer. What is going on, should I keep an exorcist standing by?
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Re: Youtube freezing

Post by Nutso »

For me it repeats a certain part of the video before continuing on as normal. Probably Google trying to collect my viewing habits so they can harass me when I least expect it. Good luck trying to market something that involves "midget" + "porn" fuckers!
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Re: Youtube freezing

Post by IanKennedy »

Could be you have something interfering with your wifi / bluetooth signals. As a test try plugging your computer in elsewhere in the building. It could also be a failing transformer, try disconnecting anything that's not absolutely required to make the system work. If the problem goes away add one thing back at a time to identify the culprit.
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Re: Youtube freezing

Post by Griffin »

Is it just Youtube or all Video streaming sites?
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