Centauri Matter/Anti-Matter Power System?

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Centauri Matter/Anti-Matter Power System?

Post by Platonian »

A seemingly reliable (though not canon) source I've seen states that the Centauri Primus class Battlecruiser and Vorchan class Star Cruiser employ a matter/anti-matter power system. If this and the other notes on the site are accurate, the Centauri appear to be unique in the B5 universe in using a matter/anti-matter power system. (Contrast this with the ST universe, where M/AM is the norm.)

Since I'm fairly new to B5, the contradictory information I've found on this matter make a critical assessment rather difficult. I am, therefore, appealing to those of you more knowledgeable to offer up your informed comments.

Thanks in advance! :)
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Prof. Barnhardt to Klaatu, The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
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