1. the ISDs are Imperial Star Destroyers
2. yes I know, the ISDs dont carry X Wings, but they are my favorite type of starfighters!

The Defiants are self sufficient, but they are not comfortable at all. Any kind of long term deployment or group action, I like the idea of a carrier. Even if it is more of a ... livable skid. It could use the power from the Defiants themselves to power it. Engines, livable areas, supplies, etc.Teaos wrote:But Defiant are self sufficent enough not to to need a carrier.
So a moveable starbase pretty much?Jim wrote:The Defiants are self sufficient, but they are not comfortable at all. Any kind of long term deployment or group action, I like the idea of a carrier. Even if it is more of a ... livable skid. It could use the power from the Defiants themselves to power it. Engines, livable areas, supplies, etc.Teaos wrote:But Defiant are self sufficent enough not to to need a carrier.