So, this is my first forum post, though I've been a fan of this site for several years. The recent article regarding the Magazine Capacity of Star Ships has spurred me to create an account, and start this topic. This is my hypothesis, organized into two main points, about why Star Ships carry so few torpedoes, relative to their volume.
#1 Volatility
It's possible that the reason why torpedo magazines aren't packed from top to bottom, is because of the volatility of the warheads. Now, however efficient the safeguards might be, the fact remains that photon torpedoes are filled with explosive anti-matter, being contained in a magnetic bottle. A well placed disruptor hit, could very well slice through that bottle, and allow the contents to spill out onto the deck, resulting in a chain reaction.
Some evidence to support the possibility that carrying too many munitions is hazardous, can be found in the TNG episode "Unification part 2:"
They don't specify what kind of weaponry the vessel's cargo bays are loaded with, but there's a good chance that at least some of that weaponry is torpedoes.RIKER
On screen.
The screen shows the approaching ship. It is dark,
huge, sinister-looking, bristling with armament, and
carries absolutely no marking of any kind.
Sensors indicate a combat
vessel... origin undetermined...
heavily armed... mass and density
suggest it's fully loaded with
cargo. From the look of these
internal scans, I'd guess a good
part of that cargo is weaponry.
Sir, the ship is locking
Shields up. Red alert.
Red alert commences, and the tension on the bridge
That ship easily matches our
armament, Commander.
The mercenary ship is "easily" comparable to the Federation's flagship, in terms of firepower.
It's capable of reducing the Enterprise's shields by almost half, in just two barrages.WORF
There is an energy build-up in
their phaser banks... sir, they
are activating weapons!
And there is a blast from the dark ship and a resultant
THUMP to the Enterprise. Lights flicker, people are
knocked about.
Forward shields down to
seventy-two percent --
Boost power to the shields...
Aye, sir.
Mister Worf, target their weapon
systems only and prepare to fire--
as the smuggling ship FIRES another heavy-duty barrage
into the Enterprise's shields.
More shaking, lights going.
Forward shields at sixty-eight
percent, aft shields forty
The Enterprise fires a reduced power phaser blast at the mercenary vessel.RIKER
On my mark, a point-seven-five
burst only. We just want to get
their attention.
Ready, sir.
Had it not been carrying so many munitions, the mercenary vessel probably would have survived, with only a damaged phaser bank. Instead, a chain reaction, originating in the cargo bay, completely destroys the vessel.WORF
Their forward shields are damaged,
We destroyed one of their phaser
arrays... looks like collateral
damage in the cargo area...
(beat, reacting to
sensor readings)
Sir, I'm picking up massive power
fluctuations... internal
explosions... with all the
armament that ship is carrying
-- it's gonna blow!
The only problem I can see with this point, is that there's no evidence that the mercenary vessel was carrying a huge number of photon torpedoes, but still, it got me thinking. At the very least, it proves that over gunning any vessel, is a bad idea.
#2 Availability
My next point, is that perhaps photon torpedoes are difficult to manufacture. They apparently can't be replicated through normal means (Voyager) and since we don't see them being fired en masse from low-priority outposts, it would be logical to assume that the Federation simply can't spare the resources to arm every single installation with thousands of warheads. In other words, photon torpedoes ain't cheap.
This, and the fact that most ships wouldn't even get the chance to fire more than a few dozen torpedoes in battle, before being disabled or destroyed, would make the Federation skeptical about arming any one ship with tens of thousands of expensive warheads.
So, that's pretty much it. I know that this post isn't particularly well written, or researched, but hopefully my wild enthusiasm makes up for that shortcoming.

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Death Threats? Please share your opinion.