SF Debris - Torchwood: Miracle Day

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SF Debris - Torchwood: Miracle Day

Post by Nutso »

Part 1
We get our official introduction with Torchwood, but unfortunately for us it's with Miracle Day. Captain Jack returns just as, for some reason, people around the world stop dying without any idea of why. Sounds good until you see what's left of a suicide bomber... yucka.
Part 2
Our continuing look at Torchwood's fourth season, where every human on Earth has become immortal... except Captain Jack who now seems inexplicably mortal now. That hipster, always having to stop doing something just because it's gone mainstream.
Part 3
We close out our first week of Torchwood's Miracle Day with this important chapter. A conspiracy within the CIA threatens to undermine efforts to investigate who's behind the miracle, the accumulation of the sick and seriously injured is out of control, so our heroes decide to take the night off for meaningless sex.
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Re: SF Debris - Torchwood: Miracle Day

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Wow, he's really seriously pissed off about US politics isn't he?
Give a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day. SET a man on fire, and you will keep him warm for the rest of his life...
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