Bernd reviews STID (spoilers, obviously)

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Re: Bernd reviews STID (spoilers, obviously)

Post by Tsukiyumi »

The shot of the Vengeance crashing into Alcatraz provides an obvious scale reference. :roll:
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Re: Bernd reviews STID (spoilers, obviously)

Post by McAvoy »

That was Alcatraz the model from the gift shop. The original blew up in a secret quantum testing center to make things go quantum. The model is only 100 meters big. Quantum.
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Re: Bernd reviews STID (spoilers, obviously)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Tsukiyumi wrote:The shot of the Vengeance crashing into Alcatraz provides an obvious scale reference. :roll:
That's an interesting point, actually... Hmmmmmmmmm....
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Re: Bernd reviews STID (spoilers, obviously)

Post by Tyyr »

He really is pretty damned determined to not grasp the idea that this is an alternate reality and ship sizes in the Prime timeline have nothing to do with the new one isn't he?

At this point it just seems like he's willfully being obtuse.
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