Alternative life?

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Re: Alternative life?

Post by McAvoy »

Teaos wrote:Nah, you have the oppertunity to observe your life from the outside, manipulate if you wish, or just watch.
I liked the quantum leap idea better.

Then again, I get watch TNG all over again as if it is new. Maybe somehow get involved so they don't make the mistakes.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by stitch626 »

McAvoy wrote:
Teaos wrote:Nah, you have the oppertunity to observe your life from the outside, manipulate if you wish, or just watch.
I liked the quantum leap idea better.

Then again, I get watch TNG all over again as if it is new. Maybe somehow get involved so they don't make the mistakes.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Definitely do the investment thing and make a ton of money.

I probably would try to intervene in my family's life... but I think I'd probably do it at a distance. Not meeting them and specifically telling them how to live their lives, but more things like use some of my fortune to set up a company and make sure my folks had good jobs and good career advancement even when it was tough financial times.

I might take my younger self aside and beat a few personal things into his damn fool head.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by Captain Seafort »

GrahamKennedy wrote:I might take my younger self aside and beat a few personal things into his damn fool head.
I recommend "come up with the forum idea earlier" as part of that list.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by McAvoy »

I think we are forgetting something here. Credentials. In the US we would need a social security number. I don't know many people who can get me one. I mean we all would have to get a job with no paper work to show our education. Not to mention we would share fingerprints and DNA with our younger self.

A problem for me personally would have to relive 1988 to 1999. I never liked that time period. Though the cartoons are cool. Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, among other things.

I definitely can use my knowledge of football to gamble.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by Teaos »

Become a writer and rewrite all the most popular books of the last few decades, Harry Potter, Twilight, Shades of Grey, Sword of Truth, anyone of those series will net you several hundred million.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by Teaos »

As for Credentials... just hand yourself in on the first day with fake amnesia. They'll make something up for you.
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by McAvoy »

I don't know. In 1988 would they have enough info on me at 4 years old to figure out that we share a lot in common?
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Re: Alternative life?

Post by Vic »

At 4 years old for me it was 1969, the fake amnesia trick would work. Not having a social security number would be the most important thing to remedy. Just the clothes on my back, being near sighted, no glasses would suck. Although I do still have my BCs from the Navy somewhere those would fit right in.
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