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Post by McAvoy »

Honestly the series is ok to me. Just something for me to watch.

The whole no electricity thing makes no sense me. Anything mechanical can still be used. So you could still use old cars for example. They did have an episode where a coal firing train was used. Oil can be used too. Not much of a difference.

I think a better one would be in a world where oil ran out and no alternatives was found. A World War 3 caused a bunch of Civil Wars all over the world where countries fragmented into smaller countries.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Graham Kennedy »

How do cars run without spark plugs?

Diesel engines could work, I guess. But diesel engines use electrical starter motors...
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Re: Revolution

Post by McAvoy »

GrahamKennedy wrote:How do cars run without spark plugs?

Diesel engines could work, I guess. But diesel engines use electrical starter motors...

Good point though.. However:.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Tyyr »

I checked out. I couldn't stand the stupidity. It's been fifteen years, they CAN'T get the power back on. You can't abandon a powerplant for 15 years and it just magically turn on again. The infrastructure to support a powerplant is enormous. Coal fired? Great, you got the lights on, they'll be out again shortly when the coal stockpiled on site runs out. Gas fired? Great, it'll run until gas pipeline pressure gets too low to supply the quantity you need, if after 15 years there's any pipeline pressure left to speak of. Even lacking electricity a gas range would still work if you get it lit and I doubt people stopped using it. That's assuming fuel gets you first, more than likely you'll have a system upset a trained operator could have caught that will trip you or something important will break that you have no idea how to fix. Game over.

Even if they did that have no way to transmit it. Between general decay and then people scavenging things like transmission lines and substations you're not going to be able to move and then how are you going to use it? Do you really think a coffee maker that's sat abandoned in a house with no moisture or temperature control will just turn on and work? Most electronics would be absolutely fucked if they were left outside for 15 years.

The main premise of the show is a fool's errand. Then tack on shitty pacing, random character deaths, unexplained motivations, and I just got sick of it. I really tried to get into it but after about 8 episodes the wife and I checked out.
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Re: Revolution

Post by McAvoy »

I agree. Unless someone maintains it, it will not work after a prolonged amount of time of inactivity. Some thongs work better when it is active then when it is off. Things will never magically turn back on especially if it is mechanical after 15 years of collecting rust and dust.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Tyyr »

Good examples, the gas turbine combined cycle natural gas fired powerplant I work at now employs 20 people full time. Their combined experience with powerplants is well over 400 years. It takes twenty guys to run it and we bring in six guys from next door as well as about 10 to 15 contractors during maintenance downtime to keep the machine working. That's a single 300MW powerplant.

A coal fired plant like my other ones? You're looking at 50 people per unit employed full time, at least 800 years of experience and during maintenance outages we need to bring in another 30 to 50 contractors to handle it all. A single 450MW coal fired power plant needs about 50 people to operate and maintain it and another 30 to 50 more one month a year to keep up with the maintenance.

Do they really think a couple kids and some con men can do anything with even a single power plant? Ugh, it's just idiotic.
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Re: Revolution

Post by McAvoy »

Just watched one of the newer episodes. The mother created a device that allowed the necklaces to get amplified. Monroe mounted that in a helicopter. I have a dew issues with this.

How big is the range? That and helicopters don't run on magic. Soon or later Monroe will run out of fuel. Its not like there is a infrastructure.

Still wondering about how and why the electricity was taken out.
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Re: Revolution

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Re: Revolution

Post by Deepcrush »

Never heard of this show, where's it from and whats it all about?
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Re: Revolution

Post by McAvoy »

Its a new show on NBC.
Revolution takes place in a post-apocalyptic dystopian future. Fifteen years earlier, an unknown phenomenon disabled electricity on Earth and effectively all devices powered by it, ranging from computers and electronics to car and jet engines. People were forced to adapt to a world without electricity. Due to the collapse of government and public order, many areas are ruled by warlords and militias. The series focuses on the Matheson family, who possess a special device (a USB flash drive contained in a pendant) that is the key to not only finding out what happened fifteen years ago, but also a possible way to reverse its effects. However, they must elude Sebastian Monroe, the General of the Monroe Militia and President of the Monroe Republic who wants to possess that power for himself for conquest of the former United States of America.
Wikipedia which is accurate enough for this.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Tyyr »

The last episode I caught was the one with the two helicopters and yeah, after the ending of it I wasn't getting emotional. I was rolling my eyes are how corny it was, how stupid the kid was, and how everyone who took part in the first season of this show must REALLY be pissed now. In other words... still not a fan.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Deepcrush »

Really? It takes them all that long to figure out what to do? In West Virginia a bad snow storm can mean no power for a month. It isn't at all hard to deal with it.
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Re: Revolution

Post by McAvoy »

Permanent power loss though. But I see your point.

Though it seems as if the 'thing' that causes electricity not to work also applies to something purely mechanical in nature. Though it magically preserves it though so it can work 15 years later after collecting dust and rust.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Deepcrush »

Permanent is no different then a month. At that point you can't rely on power to keep anything for you and so you have to make do. But the magic no power thing, okay you're back to the 1800's again. Not to hard to handle and there were plenty of countries back then too. The US even.
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Re: Revolution

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Yeah, why would a direct mechanical power steam engine not work?
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